Been running the Cone 3 for several years and it's been great, so I imagine anyone looking at a Co-2 or 3 will be quite pleased, though unfortunately I've just run into trouble..ugh...
MD, my Cone 3 pump just died and I'm trying to find info on replacing it. I honestly cannot afford the full replacement right now and wondered if there is any difference between the Sicce Syncra Silent 3.0 and the Cone 3 pump, other than the inlet attachment (which I obviously have already), and the heavy acrylic piece that is placed in the outlet to attach to the skimmer body (which I figure I can duplicate with plastic for now).
MD, my Cone 3 pump just died and I'm trying to find info on replacing it. I honestly cannot afford the full replacement right now and wondered if there is any difference between the Sicce Syncra Silent 3.0 and the Cone 3 pump, other than the inlet attachment (which I obviously have already), and the heavy acrylic piece that is placed in the outlet to attach to the skimmer body (which I figure I can duplicate with plastic for now).