OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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Just to chime in. I have a mated pair of maroon clowns and a BTA. They never stray far from the BTA at all. I dripped acclimated both over a 4 hour period. Also I would never net a clown period. You don't want to remove any of the slimy coat that protects them.

Thanks for your responses everyone! No comments on the QT?

I definitely would drip acclimate all over 6 hours at least. I have a 1/4" feed from the refugium just for that.

CirolanidHunter Funny I am replying on your thread and you are here on mine! No pictures yet but just picture a giant, aggressive maroon and its pint-sized mate rabidly defending a 20" BTA. :D I know it's early and the LFS is keeping it until I am ready (within reason) but with such a large volume of water I may be OK.

I am running carbon 24/7 as well as RowaPhos. I am changing 100g/day in water....

richfavinger These clowns never stray from the BTA in the LFS tank which is 200g+ and they keep all other fish away from it. With the space I have in this tank I am assuming (LOL) that there will be little problem with the other fish keeping away. I will place them on one end of the tank to give the other inhabitants as much room as possible.

elvictre That is essentially what I am hoping for, and I appreciate the tip about netting them. I have the giant rubber gloves so I guess I'll do a drip acclimation and then pour them into the display.

Any suggestions on which goes into the display first, the clowns or the BTA? I have a feeling I will get a fight when I try to separate them!
When I tranfered my o. clown and an RBTA (both much smaller than yours), I picked a suitable sized container for capture, dipped it in the tank early in the AM when the clown was still sleepy, the clown dived into the anemone, I placed the rock anemone and clown carfully into the container and then placed that container into a 5 gal bucket and started along - slow drip acclimation.

They transfered well ... good luck.

I agree with carbon for a new tank, anemones need really clean water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7117247#post7117247 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I will place them on one end of the tank to give the other inhabitants as much room as possible.

I can almost see the BTA thinking, (.... yeah right, place me where ever you want, I'll just find my own space, thank you very much...)

Good luck with them in your tank I love maroons and BTA's and I'm also thinking that with 1000 gallons you'll be on the safe side, just keep that water pristine.

Well I hear you on that. I know they like to be stubborn. If I have a problem I will corral it in an area where I want it to settle. Call it the BTA Rodeo!

So here is why my helper had water all over the floor while I was gone...I never even considered that this skimmer would be too powerful! :D

Here's a rock I picked up for $10 at an LFS in Huntington Beach. Note the gray sponges, polyps, mushrooms, and fan worms. There is also a suspected tiny star (I only saw the bristle legs) feeling around from a hole) and some kind of amphipod looking thing living inside the rock. That's quite a party for ten bucks! Can anyone give me an ID on the mushroom?

Here is another frag I got and I think it is star polyps but I can't find any like that growing on a tube form. Anyone have an ID?

IDing shrunken mushrooms is rather pointless. Wait 'til they fluff up.

The other is GSP, simply growing over something like a vermitid tube perhaps.
Last pic is finger starpolyps, they grow in mats and fingers !
Blue shrooms look like regular bullseyes ? small and hard to tell ?
Not sure if you guys understand which one I am calling the mushroom. The gray/blue blobs are sponges and the green disks are what I am interested in getting an ID for. They appear to be full size with the closer one being younger, but I will try to get another pic that is better. Since they are completely attached maybe they are not mushrooms but some other sort of polyp.


Those "GSP" are integrated into that finger and the open end of the finger is like a flexible mat. Hard for me to explain since I don't know much about corals. I had originally just laid it down on some rock and then when I saw the polyps extend I glued the open end onto the tip of a piece of rock. It was an "extra" in one of my frag bags from Kalifornia.

Anything I can do to encourage the shrooms to "fluff up"?
You can just dose the tank with phyto. I've never tried to target feed a mushroom. Mushrooms tend to be pretty indestructable.
Yeah I know. I don't plan on buying any more, at least not on purpose. In the case of the frags I got Monday, I was really after the other colonies and the shrooms were just an extra. I do like the green color though.

Apr 06 2006 04:16:19
Temp pH ORP Cond
75.9 8.34 429 44.4
Ammonia < .25 ppm
Phosphate 0
Nitrate 0
Ca 365
Quote away...LOL...you are making fun of a noob you know! Anyway, I am beside myself about how well my skimmer is working. And I don't even like coffee! :D With the size of this system a few shrooms won't be too bad. I can always remove those rocks and trade them anyway.
Uh-huh. Famous last words. <i>"I do like the green color." "a few shrooms won't be too bad." "I can always remove those rocks and trade them anyway."</i>

Ever see the 29g progression page on my site? Or how npaden took down his entire reef tank to erradicate every last mushroom in his tank, and his tank was 11' long? Look, I'm just teasing you here, but they can and will be a problem down the road. They spread by pedal laceration
or simply blow off to land elsewhere, like another pest you recently encountered. When my 280g was set up, I had a guy just plucking off every red mushroom he could locate before each rock was introduced into my tank. I know over 200 were tallied before we stopped counting, and you still can find them scatttered all over my tank to this day.

If you like mushrooms, consider the more expensive Ricordia as they tend to spread, look pretty, but aren't prolific like normal mushrooms.

Or grow those out in a prop tank system to get store credit or to have as trades, perhaps.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with your selections, other than a year or two from now you will probably look at them as weeds. Many experienced reefers will tell you with their next tank, they will not include:

green star polyps
clove polyps

Anything that moves, spreads quickly and "looks pretty" ends up being a pain down the road.

Wow, could I sound any more negative? I'll shut up now. :)
But absolutely excellent advice Marc. I knew mushrooms can be a problem but not star polyps. I figured having some "fill-in" capability would be good plus using them as a gauge of water quality before I put in anything important. If you really think they will cause a problem, maybe I should remove them now! I really wanted the sponges and of course, they were all such a good 'deal". Live and learn I guess.

Do you think I should remove them?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7125068#post7125068 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Many experienced reefers will tell you with their next tank, they will not include:

green star polyps
clove polyps

Anything that moves, spreads quickly and "looks pretty" ends up being a pain down the road.

Wow, could I sound any more negative? I'll shut up now. :)

YUP! That's why we have a xenia Island, a green star polyp island any only 2 mushrooms that we keep in check. Even then I am "fragging" xenia and GSP's all the time. They still look nice but have an island all to themselves :) Speaking of which- anyone want some free xenia :D
No, I don't think you should remove them. Enjoy what you have. Your tank is new and these corals will give you an indication of what the water quality is like.

You might copy Scotts method about island-ing various corals, but remember mushrooms love to do the twist-and-release system to suddenly appear in other parts of the tank. Being observant helps. Odds are one day you'll find a mushroom right next to that missing gold ring. :D
yeah that ring is on my to-do list today...with all that is going on it is taking me a while to get to it. I hate to pull the pump off and open it but that is really the first step.
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