Uh-huh. Famous last words. <i>"I do like the green color." "a few shrooms won't be too bad." "I can always remove those rocks and trade them anyway."</i>
Ever see the 29g progression page on my site? Or how npaden took down his entire reef tank to erradicate every last mushroom in his tank, and his tank was 11' long? Look, I'm just teasing you here, but they can and will be a problem down the road. They spread by pedal laceration
or simply blow off to land elsewhere, like another pest you recently encountered. When my 280g was set up, I had a guy just plucking off every red mushroom he could locate before each rock was introduced into my tank. I know over 200 were tallied before we stopped counting, and you still can find them scatttered all over my tank to this day.
If you like mushrooms, consider the more expensive Ricordia as they tend to spread, look pretty, but aren't prolific like normal mushrooms.
Or grow those out in a prop tank system to get store credit or to have as trades, perhaps.
Finally, there is nothing wrong with your selections, other than a year or two from now you will probably look at them as weeds. Many experienced reefers will tell you with their next tank, they will not include:
green star polyps
clove polyps
Anything that moves, spreads quickly and "looks pretty" ends up being a pain down the road.
Wow, could I sound any more negative? I'll shut up now.