OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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GSP Ahrrrg!!!

I took down my 26 g as a display as it was over run by GSP.

It's pretty so I have one small isolated piece in my 75 g and over 10 pounds of TBS LR covered in GSP in my 26 g QT want some GSP? :)

I still find small groups on the LR in my 75 and I pull the rock out to dremel it off, give it a good wash and place it back.

Green star polyps....kill them now!!

Wow that is FREAKY! That's what my tankl looks like now but it's all algae. :D

So here they are on intro day. I drip acclimated the BTA and dropped it into the display. Then I drip acclimated the maroons starting with the male. The clowns hunkered down when introduced to the display so I had to "encourage" them with a pipe to find their BTA. All is well and the BTA seems to like right where I put it.

These pictures aren't the best but the BTA has a really nice green hue with speckles and the female maroon is really dark. The blue "eye brows" are really sharp under the 20K lamps.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7116923#post7116923 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CirolanidHunter
I've always really enjoyed reading this:

Interesting read but too generalising IMO and not really applicable to many new systems (mine included) but probably does apply to Jonathan's as I think I remember he threw all his uncured rock straight in the tank (hence the nasty GHA phase). I only cured mine for 2 weeks but then added a few pieces per day to the display to let the biofilter cope. I didn't weigh it but I was able to add around approx 150lbs of LR and I had fish in the tank at the time. I had diatom for a few weeks but that subsided and the snails I introduced helped. Haven't seen one strand of GHA and I even add grape caulerpa to the tank sometimes for the Tang/Angels to feast on.

Anyway, I hope you beat that nasty GHA.
Hey Dog, I am not worried about it at all. My diatom stage lasted 5 days and the GHA is already waning. The turbos are swiftly removing it. In fact so fast that I really don't need to deal with much on the glass other than film. I have a couple of very bad spots and I just drop in turbos like paratroopers. The real issue is the HA on the sand. The turbos won't go on the sand and the ceriths can't manuever in the HA.

What I really wanted to survive was the macro that came in on the rock and so far that has worked out well. It will be a very natural looking reef!
Well, after it's subsided on the rock you can just siphon it out with a thin layer of sand. :)


I assume you are using R/O-DI water?

What salt did you use?

How long has your system had rock and water in it?

Mine has been up for about 3 weeks with rock and I have no signs of algae or diatoms, knock on wood!!!!!!!
Apr 07 2006 07:17:19
Temp pH ORP Cond
76.0 8.29 468 45.2
phosphate 0
nitrate 0
ammonia 0
Ca 390

So I tried to feed the clowns today and dropped in some blood worms. They are so busy with their tentacle orgy that they wouldn't come out to feed. So I pushed the blob of worms over to them and the anemone grabbed them and ate the whole thing. What a thief!! :D

NexDog That's what I figure will happen.

bstone Yup, using RO/DI and OceanPure salt. System has had rock in it for about 3 weeks. Since I put in "uncured" rock, I knew I would get a large cycle but with daily 100g water changes it has gone rather well. The ammonia never got about 4.5 ppm and it is at zero now.
Good news: Clowns came out and ate today and the BTA took another silverside. The BTA seems to be adjusting to the light.

Bad News: Aquatec 8800 booster pump found leaking from its seal. Lots of water on the floor!!:mad2:

Also, tank is cloudy this morning. Not sure why. Maybe calcium?
So I had my first mysterious disappearance of a fish! I am minus one chromis...can't find it anywhere. :( I wonder if the BTA got it? I have been feeding the BTA daily so I wouldn't think that it is hungry but you never know!
OK well the 9th chromis reappeared after being missing for a couple of hours...***?

I found 4 of them darting in and out of the BTA's reach trying to steal food. No I am NOT kidding!
yea in my 120 i had 5 chromis in for the longest time and then i started to put more fish corals etc. in and when i put my BTA in and started feeding it, the chromis would come over and start taking bites of the bloodworm cube i put in the BTA. it was like they were asking for a death sentance. awesome job so far on the tank! getting closer to getting a split thread!!!

Funny thing is that BTA looks like it might be splitting. Hard to tell but it seems like that. I really want to pick up its rock and examine it but I think I'll leave well enough alone.

The weird thing is that this fairly agressive clown does very little to discourage the chromis and will not move farther than say 2 inches from the BTA to eat. I think I will have to target feed the clowns!
Looking good today and the ring is definitely not in the pump. That's a bummer because it means I need to search my entire system. I guess I'll be getting a metal detector!

After cleaning my collection cup a couple of times I can see why so many large skimmers have wash down systems. It really is a dirty, sticky job! My collection bucket is nasty too. The skimmate is really blacker than I have personally seen in any other skimmer.

FWIW I will say that I think the cleaning magnet really does a better job than a toilet brush. :D
If it's in the spray bar I'll hang myself!

I just "fixed" the gap in my collection cup so air (and foam) wouldn't escape and it put too much back pressure on the foam halting the skimming process. Back to the drawing board I guess.
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