Thanks for the kind comments...a work in progress of course. I am planning on moving that rock. Right now it is somewhat shaded but I think I have a better place ot put it. Reading up on Ricordia seems to show that rics prefer to be on a vertical surface rather than horizontal, so I think I will tip the rock up in the shade near a return pipe. The thought of grabbing the rock again though is a little intimidating since the surface has so much life on it.
That piece was sitting fairly close to the lamps at the LFS in a vertical position. The "sponge" had doubled in size in a couple of weeks and was getting direct lighting.
As far as phyto goes, I am just squirting a bit in occassionally as the needs aren't that high yet, but I have been finding a growing number of filter worms throughout the tank so I will have to ramp that up. To be honest I have no idea how much I should really be dosing.