OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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Kent E What's a project without a torch???:D


I don't think so. It was in a non-fish tank when I bought it and looked just like that. It has a variagated form and tree sponges have branches. It is mostly smooth with the points and appears to be healthy. My fish have no idea it is even in the tank and there are no tears in it. I'll check out tree sponges to see what their forms are.
Maybe it's a yellow Bee Sponge (Acanthella sp.)?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7180004#post7180004 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe

Problem is sponges are so hard to identify!

Exactly, I remember reading an article that said without sending tissue samples to an expert most sponge IDs are guesses (usually wrong).

I would put it in a darker spot in the tank (they don't need light and light allows algae to grow on them) and preferably in an area with flow that will bring plankton and phyto for it to feed on.

I can't imagine how much phyto you will need to feed your system though. Dump a couple 2-liters in at at time?

Nice pics by the way, your tank aquascaping looks amazing!

Thanks for the kind comments...a work in progress of course. I am planning on moving that rock. Right now it is somewhat shaded but I think I have a better place ot put it. Reading up on Ricordia seems to show that rics prefer to be on a vertical surface rather than horizontal, so I think I will tip the rock up in the shade near a return pipe. The thought of grabbing the rock again though is a little intimidating since the surface has so much life on it.

That piece was sitting fairly close to the lamps at the LFS in a vertical position. The "sponge" had doubled in size in a couple of weeks and was getting direct lighting.

As far as phyto goes, I am just squirting a bit in occassionally as the needs aren't that high yet, but I have been finding a growing number of filter worms throughout the tank so I will have to ramp that up. To be honest I have no idea how much I should really be dosing.
So what I did was tilt it up under a slight over-hang. SOme of you might find this funny...


Check out the brown stain on the ceiling...I think I am going to have to knock a hole into the next floor up and build a larger collection cup!:D
Cutiewitbooty Reef tanks and yachts are a lot alike. There is always someone with a bigger one!:D

fishes2889 I can't believe it either...and only burning 120W! I wonder what will happen when this tank has a real bio-load? Right now there's only about 15" of fish in it! I think the snails easily out-poop the fish at this point.:)

Things look great! Very impressive, but it's going to take me hours to read all the posts since I left:)
Hey HOP, welcome back...at least for a while! It's going well. just a hair algae issue. Tank cycle was fairly smooth due to daily 100g water changes. had a few bumps in the road of course, mostly having to do with water on the floor, but all-in-all I think a decent start-up.

Got any recent pics of your tank??:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7183514#post7183514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Got any recent pics of your tank??:D [/B]

Not yet... Ordered a riser extension and a second becket for my skimmer yesterday. Then I spent the morning doing a water change and some maintenance in the wet room. I also got the q-tank up and running again as I'm planning on getting some new critters this week. I'm going to scrape the coraline off the viewing panes tonight or tomorrow and try to get some pics up soon.

Otherwise I've just been trying to get things done around the house and get my new partner familiar with his new home and the family:)
Well, I hope it's a sponge!! Seems to be doing OK. Hasn't changed from when I bought it but I have no idea what it is or how to care for it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7184008#post7184008 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
dammit, you beat me to it!! I was looking for the welcome pic...

Your getting SLOW in your old age :p
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