Our 400 Gallon In Wall Natural Sun-Lit Reef"

Thank you for all the kind words, she will be spending Christmas in the hospital, so last night I brought many Christmas decorations and decorated her room
Thank you everyone!

The doctors were able to get the infection under control. I just brought her home this afternoon!
That is friggin amazing and awesome man uou must be so happy I mnow I am give her a huge hug from the Canadian reefer eh. Excellent news
Asking for all our reefing friends to say a prayer for my wife, she is back in the hospital with a bacterial infection in her digestive system that was caused by her chemotherapy.
Thoughts and prayers for your wife! Hopefully it's nothing serious, and she has a painless recovery.

Thanks for sharing your latest big video, beautiful. I just subscribed to your Youtube channel.
Big idea for 2013 will be a solar electric system to power pumps, skimmer and MP60's

Stay tuned!

and Happy New Year!
How about some year end pictures!

Happy New Year!!




Very good news and a beautiful tank as always. Cant wait for the Solar to take place. The electric company is going to end up paying you soon.