Serpentman's 300g upgrade

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15086809#post15086809 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d-maz
Hey Jeff, can you explain the travel of the water as it flows? When it leaves the display where do you have it going first, then next, and so on.


Dave, surprisingly everything is fed off of a single Reeflo Dart. The flow "Y's" at the display and feeds a manifold that goes to the skimmer, frag tank, refugium and my small cube.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15088782#post15088782 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
That looks fantastic! Wow, what a great upgrade for your reef. You did really good. :thumbsup:

Thanks Marc, it was a look of work but a vast improvement over my old system. Size aside, I corrected some mistakes I made before.

Spent about 3-4hrs last night neatening things up:


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15092132#post15092132 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JRaquatics

Looks like the neck on the Reeflo needs a little cleaning.:p
I like how organized your placement of equipment is.

Ironically, it looked brand new on Sunday. Still tweaking things to get it dialed in.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15092132#post15092132 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JRaquatics

Looks like the neck on the Reeflo needs a little cleaning.:p
I like how organized your placement of equipment is.

Ironically, it looked brand new on Sunday. Still tweaking to get the level and flow through it dialed in.
I had the joy of viewing this set up in person and all i can say is wow pictures just dont seem to do it the full credit it is due.

SO once again wow and great job on the tank.
i have 3 of those in my 90 and even dialed down to 30% (the recommended minimum) on the 12V jumpers and only 2 running, i still have too much flow these pumps are crazy but better suited for a tank like yours
great build I love your rockwork as well. I saw one of these tanks at a lfs and haven't stopped dreaming since. I can't wait to move, haha.

Great work...have you come across anything that you would do differently? and does your return feed GEO row?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15102635#post15102635 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Padrino
i have 3 of those in my 90 and even dialed down to 30% (the recommended minimum) on the 12V jumpers and only 2 running, i still have too much flow these pumps are crazy but better suited for a tank like yours

That's quite a bit of flow, planning a upgrade down the line? I can actually see a significant difference between them and the 6100's. I have each pump programmed to peak out at 90% in bursts. I have them each on a different pattern as I am trying to avoid a wave. However at any given time there can be as much as 12,000 gallons per hour. I am getting very good turbulence on the surface but the sand seems stable except for one spot.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103019#post15103019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by speeddemonlsr
Nice I need to come by and see the setup.

Hey Tony, You are welcome to stop by anytime.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103168#post15103168 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jasert39
great build I love your rockwork as well. I saw one of these tanks at a lfs and haven't stopped dreaming since. I can't wait to move, haha.

Great work...have you come across anything that you would do differently? and does your return feed GEO row?

Thanks! I will take some updated pics. Yesterday, Cleveyank stopped by and we put more coral in so it looks a lot better.

I was bit by the bug as well. I was actually soliciting custom quotes last year when they came out so the timing was perfect.
To me, the 300 is an awesome size. Its big but relatively within reason. I think jumping up in size from here, costs go up exponentially. I figure, the electrical alone on my tank is going to run $150/mo. Can't imagine some of these monster systems.

So far, I can't really say I would do anything differently as I basically corrected a lot of my former mistakes with this tank. In hindsight I wish I had used foam under the tank and a larger sump but otherwise, so far its good. I will probably upgrade the sump down the road to a 2 piece custom job but that's for another day.

Yes, the return does feed all the reactors.
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Sounds good, one more question (for now) what is that grid/shelf like material that is under you aquacontroller that all of the cords run into? Something that is available at HD or Lowes? Cleans up that area A LOT!!!! Looks good.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103342#post15103342 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jasert39
Sounds good, one more question (for now) what is that grid/shelf like material that is under you aquacontroller that all of the cords run into? Something that is available at HD or Lowes? Cleans up that area A LOT!!!! Looks good.

Its a cable tray that is manufactured by Panduit. You won't find that at HD. You will have to do an internet search and order it online. I pulled it off some analog cellular frames we were recycling at work. It comes in real handy for these types of projects. I have it all over my setup as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15097771#post15097771 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
Another toys!! :D

Dang! Congrats on the new toys! I really need to come up and see ya now. I want to see how all 4 pumps do. I may have to dust off the credit card and order a pair of those as well :d
Hey Mike, You are definitely welcome anytime. Contemplating having a open house, throwing some burgers on the grill, etc.
Definitely going to put something together. Its just a matter of finding a good weekend. We are going on vacation on 7/3 and I will be traveling a bunch for work in between then.

Another minor update:

Was a bit nervous about drilling a 6" hole in the side of my house. Turns out my concerns were unwarranted as it was a piece of cake.



The fantech is now installed an working smoothly. However, since it almost runs constantly, I may have to put it on a timer.
