Serpentman's 300g upgrade

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15122671#post15122671 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BigTuna321
wow i watched the clarkii clown breeding video and noticed the anemone size growth which is pretty impressive,, how long have you had that nem? has it split? btw your tank is looking great,, love the aquascaping :thumbsup:

That nem has grown like a weed. Here it is just after I got it last summer (7/08):

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15122575#post15122575 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stumpovrtyme
That is one sweet setup! Cant wait till I can up grade from my two 55s! Maybe you can come put in for me.: lol:

Thanks! Lol, after this project, I will be taking a break for installing tanks for a while!
Not much new to report. Just did my first PWC and it was pretty uneventful.

Also, felt like I wasn't getting enough flow to the display so I redirected a drain to the skimmer rather than feed it with the manifold. Gave me an extra 500gph or so through the display.
Yeah, the economics of running this tank has set in.

I used to belong to the "water changes weren't necessary" club. My old tank was doing ok but not really thriving. After making to move over and seeing how happy my corals were to have clean water, I am sold on them. Probably, do about 40g every 2 weeks which probably equates to a 18-20% water change per month.
Came home after being outta town all week for work to find colors are starting to pop. Really liking the Coralvue 20k's as well as the 454 VHO's.

Played around with my camera, trying to get a more accurate representation of the colors. These are darn near right on..

Side View:


Happy Clowns:


I see you. Pearly jawfish poking out behind my Purple Monster (lousy pic)

Thanks TJ, you'll have to come check it out next time you're in town. I am so happy to finally be able to keep zoos. The coral beauty used to love to eat them in my old setup.

Probably gonna hold off on the final trim, etc. for a little while. I am now being pulled by my other half to work on the pond which is in dire need of help.
Thanks, most of the zoos came from a good friend of mine as a banking arrangement. Its been so long since I could keep them, I forgot how pretty they were.
I am trying to ID this tang. Definitely in the bristletooth family but not sure of the species. At first, I was thinking Atlantic Blue but as it colors up, its developing orange spots on its face and a tinge of yellow on its pectoral fins. In person, its just like a kole minus the yellow around the eyes. Any ideas?


