Serpentman's 300g upgrade

No problem or thanks needed. Don't forget to make arrangements to come to my frag warehouse to help fill'er up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15071505#post15071505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
Well, its 3am and do you know where your reef tank is? Got things running finally. Murphy showed up once big time. A snail wedged itself in the drain of the frag tank before I was able to get a guard in place. Needless to say, I had about 10g or so on the floor. Otherwise, everything went pretty smooth.
Figures right? :lol: :rolleye1:

Can't wait to see the pictures. :bounce1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15072452#post15072452 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DiscoReefRover
wooot ...... I am on the edge of my seat ..... ands I was there for a bit Sorry I couldnt stay longer !!!!

Yeah Sean, next to seeing the main halides fire up at 12:35AM, you missed out on my hickory smoked Italian style pork loins and brats I cooked while Jeff was tying up loose ends medias res. ;)
His wife thought I was joking when I told her I brought all the spices and hickory chips for mid-stream grillin.

And just when we were coming out of culinary bliss and patting ourselves on the back.
The fishroom Christening of 10 gallons pouring all over the floor really made the whole production a final success. Not to mention the excitement of running for towels and such al la Chinese Fire Drill. Also, learned that Jeff has a rather eloquent vocabulary. Well, now that system overflow is out of the way, hopefully that's the last Jeff will see of that. :)

I guess now it's bankruptcy and hopeful TOTM honors full speed ahead right Jeff? Seriously it was an honor to be one of the folks included in helping get the thing rolling.
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Sorry for the delay guys. I think I have the aquascaping the way I want it. Water is still a bit cloudy but coming along. Corals are really happy with the move.




Great Tank Build.... Ordered my Marineland 300 last week.. I'm sure mine won't go in as quick as yours but it looks GREAT!!! How deep is your sand bed and what type did you use? Looking at going with Carib Sea OOLITE here.. Keep up the great work.. Great layout..
I've been lurking on this thread since the beginning and you've done a bang up job on that tank and fish room. I only hope when I put mine together that I do half the job you did.

I can't say that I've completely figured out what you did to the Sea Swirls to ensure that you didn't get a siphon. Any additional explanation would be great.
Sorry for the delay in updates. Been working to finish up loose ends and clean up the aftermass of the move. The tank is doing awesome...nothing like a 300g water change!

Did you change out to the Reeflux 20ks yet?

Yes, I am running the Reeflux 20Ks (250w). So far, I am very impressed with how bright they are.

I am also running 2 x 60" VHO Super Actinics and 2 x URI 454nm Blue bulbs.

What's for/in the little "blue" tank?

Going to use it as an anemone/clown tank or possible put some clams in it...or both!

How deep is your sand bed and what type did you use?

The sand is about 3-4" in most spots. Its a mixture of 160lbs of southdown, ~330lbs of argonite/oolite.

I can't say that I've completely figured out what you did to the Sea Swirls to ensure that you didn't get a siphon.

What I did to break the siphon on them was to raise them up slightly. I threaded on a 1" male adapter which was tapped and had a tube extend up so it broker the water line when the pump shut off. It worked great, however, I decided to bag the swirls and go with additional circulation pumps. In the end, the prohibited my from dropping my lights where I wanted them.

Still working getting some better pics. Here's a little better one:


Side view:




Hey Jeff, can you explain the travel of the water as it flows? When it leaves the display where do you have it going first, then next, and so on.

That looks fantastic! Wow, what a great upgrade for your reef. You did really good. :thumbsup: