Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Dang it!!! I hate that my company blocks links to photobucket. I can never see the pictures from work...


Maybe I should be working, huh?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15103195#post15103195 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
In hindsight I wish I had used foam under the tank....
Why is that Jeff?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15112536#post15112536 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CleveYank
Jeff, your mail box is full.

Its clear.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15112616#post15112616 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by johndawg
Why is that Jeff?

No particular reason other than peace of mind because I built the stand.
For the cooling fans, I would suggest you remove the metal grates as well as the metal screws, and use nylon nuts and bolts instead. That way it will be easier to remove the fans for cleaning, as the metal ones will rust.

Looks really good. :)
Wow Jeff, Very impressive upgrade!
This is the kind of upgrade I daydream about all day long while I'm supposed to be working.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15113732#post15113732 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
For the cooling fans, I would suggest you remove the metal grates as well as the metal screws, and use nylon nuts and bolts instead. That way it will be easier to remove the fans for cleaning, as the metal ones will rust.

Looks really good. :)

Yeah, its a concern. These have been on my old tank for about a year. The metal bracket is stainless, however its starting to develop pin dots of rust.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15113820#post15113820 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PMG
Wow Jeff, Very impressive upgrade!
This is the kind of upgrade I daydream about all day long while I'm supposed to be working.

Thanks man!
Just playin' around with my camera. Still trying to get some photos that accurately represent how it looks in person. Gonna have a friend take some shot soon.






Oh man, those 6105's are sitting right where I want to put mine too :). Great job on the aquascaping man!
Thanks Mike. I am really impressed with the 6105's. I will post a vid of the surface turbulence. It looks like its boiling.

Here's some livestock pics (corals are a little browned out):







Very very nice! That water is rolling big time. I am willing to bet if you hadn't opened up your overflows there would be issues with the water smacking the crossing braces. I'm a little concerned about that now. Your water level is much lower than mine is. I went through last weekend and cut out every other tooth in the screens to open mine up more. Its better now, but it could be opened up a little more.
Initially, when I filled it I had the same issue. The cross braces were touching the water, which concerned me for 2 reasons. When the return pump was shut off, the extra water was a bit more than my sump could handle and I didn't think I would get good surface skimming. Modding the overflows did a great job of bringing it down. I ended cutting 2 out of 3 teeth and replacing with gutter guard.
wow i watched the clarkii clown breeding video and noticed the anemone size growth which is pretty impressive,, how long have you had that nem? has it split? btw your tank is looking great,, love the aquascaping :thumbsup: