Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Here's a pic of my recent additions. Think they're reef safe? We got them as baby's for our pond. Every night we walk them into the garage from the pond. Last night we got home too late so they slept outside. This morning they were waiting by the back door..


Nice additions. My parents used to have ducks still the stupid raccoons got them. There so nasty critters.

Did you ever test for stray voltage in your tank? I have always wanted to do that but was very confused on the whole subject.
That's something I have been meaning to do. My multimeter went on the fritz so I never did. The current was strong enough that it would give you a nice jolt so I knew it was there. I was running 5 heaters, three of which were leaking badly. I also installed some grounding probes.

I am worried about predators. Between the hawks and coyotes, I felt it was best to bring them in at night. Here's a pic of the pond in a completely neglected state. Most of my physical and financial resources have been going into the tank. This fall I plan to get the waterfall installed and get some landscaping in around it.

That is very nice, if you need some assistance on eradicating those pesky dangerous animals let me know. I always love an excuse to bring out the ak and 21c. LOL
Well we should get something together then! I need to thin my stock pile. I have 3k rounds of 762's. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15482759#post15482759 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by speeddemonlsr
That is very nice, if you need some assistance on eradicating those pesky dangerous animals let me know. I always love an excuse to bring out the ak and 21c. LOL

Just in case you may or may not know Hawks are protected on lands public or private. Through some treaty from way back when the possession of the feathers can even get you in trouble unless you can prove they were not the result of being illegally poached.

Not to mentions the feds, at the very least,
Ohio DNR will frown on hawk culling with hefty fines and jail time, confiscation of firearms and all tools used to commit the offense (yes they have confiscated automobiles that got the offender to the site where the crime was committed), while coyotes are open all year. Have fun.
Yeah I wasnt going to go after the birds, the coyotes around here a getting out of control.

Jeff do you have any dimmable ballasts?
Not to worry. Wouldn't want to shoot a hawk, they are too cool to have around. Something has to keep the mice at bay.

Actually, the ducks are pretty good at taking care of themselves during the day. I worry more about them at night, especially since they are somewhat domesticated. They seem pretty content to chill in the garage which will be mighty convenient in the winter.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15483193#post15483193 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by speeddemonlsr

Jeff do you have any dimmable ballasts?

No, all mine are full wattage 250W. The main tank has electronic galaxy ballasts and the other 2 are magnetics.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15483202#post15483202 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Thinslis
I heard of someone bagging 85 coyotes last year... and I still had 6 come through my yard this spring.

You hear them at night. They almost sound like their crying. Kinda eerie.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15482718#post15482718 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
That's something I have been meaning to do. My multimeter went on the fritz so I never did. The current was strong enough that it would give you a nice jolt so I knew it was there. I was running 5 heaters, three of which were leaking badly. I also installed some grounding probes.

I am worried about predators. Between the hawks and coyotes, I felt it was best to bring them in at night. Here's a pic of the pond in a completely neglected state. Most of my physical and financial resources have been going into the tank. This fall I plan to get the waterfall installed and get some landscaping in around it.


It hasn't changed much. ;)


However, the ducks are so darn cute. How do you walk them in each night? They simply follow you like a Mama duck? Or do you use food to lure them to you? I would figure they were like kids in the pool: "Ma! I don't wanna go home!" :p
It hasn't changed much.

I know, my wife must mention that to me at least once a day! That picture makes me dread whats coming. Summer is too darn short.

However, the ducks are so darn cute. How do you walk them in each night? They simply follow you like a Mama duck? Or do you use food to lure them to you? I would figure they were like kids in the pool: "Ma! I don't wanna go home!"

We usually go out to the pond and splash with a stick. They climb out and waddle their way to the garage. We walk behind them to keep them moving at a decent pace or it would take an hour. Some days, they come in on their own at around 8:30pm with no prodding from us. On occasion they are reluctant but usually can be coaxed out. The whole process takes about 15min.

We do feed them in the garage so I am sure that's the underlying motivation.
New addition and possible signs of trouble...

New addition and possible signs of trouble...

I brought Sean's baby whale home late last night. It was outgrowing his tank and needed to stretch its fins. This is one pretty and HUGE fish. If I were starving, it'd be good eating :lol:

I was trying to get a decent pic with another fish for scale. However, he's still a bit skittish and the other fish are giving it a wide birth. I thought my sohal would take interest. However, everyone in the tank is acting like its been there forever. Given its size, they probably aren't as dumb as people think. R...E...S...P...E...C...T.



Now for the concerning news. I noticed several white spots appear underneath my large stag colony. At first I freaked thinking AEFWs, however, I can't see any and there doesn't look to be any localized bites. The area looks like localized bleaching not RTN. The only change in chemistry is that I recently added more GFO to my reactor so I think this might have something to do with it. Its happened before and recovered so I am going to keep a close eye on it....
