Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Had a little visit from "Murphy" last night. I am convinced I have a CO2 leak somewhere in Ca Reactor set up. For the last few days my pH has been hovering in the 7.8 range during the day and 7.71 at night. In all my years, I have never had a tank drop this low. I originally thought it was due to the A/C running. However, I plumbed my skimmer intake to pull outside air and opened all the basement windows. This morning it was at 7.88 and has steadily dropped to 7.71. Needless to say, I have taken the reactor offline until I can troubleshoot.

The regulator and solenoid are very old so I will probably replace the whole thing with a new reef fanatic.
Aarrgghhh, its like juggling jello! PH dropped to 7.68 before I finally figured out the problem. Well, at least I think I got a handle on it.

Problem #1: I suspect a leak in my CO2. The regulator is ancient and corroded so its history.

In a move of brilliance, I poke a hole in the side of my house. Due to some freak convection air current, this area traps gases from our leach bed. I completely forgot about this so I am pumping low pH air to fix my low pH problem. Once I pulled this off my skimmer and took my CA reactor offline, my pH bounced to 7.8.

My corals have to love this. This probably explains the mysterious white spots on my stag.....
Check your alk too. I had issues with alk swings (at least I think it was the swings) that took out a lot of my SPS. You can also have your reactor dump in to the skimmer to "skim"out the CO2.
Thanks Murf. My Alk was testing at 11.5dKH, which was ultimately what made me suspect something else was pushing it down. Therefore, I didn't want to correct chemically. Now with the reactor offline, I need to be careful it doesn't go the other way.
Feel for you...

Feel for you...

Coral can be so frustrating at times...

Just when you make the LPS happy, the SPS get grumpy!

Good luck squaring everything away...

I had a feeling the ouside air was suspect ... good call on checking into that ... maybe pull air from somewhere else ?? +1 onn the reeffanatic reg i like mine alot nice unit !!
Yeah, it was our conversation that got me thinking. The pH eventually got back up to 8.15. This morning it was at normal low of 7.95. Wide swings like that scare the h*** outta me. I probably need to vent elsewhere. However not sure where else I can poke a hole in my house.

Rather than chance it, I ordered a new regulator and probes. Fun stuff:(
Getting ready to head on a business trip so the new regulator will have to wait. Learned long ago to never install new equipment before leaving.

I did install a new modded Tunze 6045. I have this cursed green slime algae that has been a real PITA. I have attributed to the relative newness of the tank. I have to remind myself that the tank is only 2-1/2 mos old. However, there was a dead spot that was driving me nuts. This brings the internal flow to:

2 x 6105
2 x 6100
1 x 6065
1 x 6045

I figure that puts me around 17,000gph turn over.

Also lot going on. PARTTEEE this weekend! Gonna have some fellow (and fella) reefers over on Sat to blow off some steam.

Snapped some quick pics:

New addition. I think its a juvenile chocolate tang. Gonna need to fatten him up.

New purple LTA for my tomatos to host.

The babies are growin'. Starting to look a lot more like percs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15545579#post15545579 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
Also lot going on. PARTTEEE this weekend! Gonna have some fellow (and fella) reefers over on Sat to blow off some steam.

I can't wait to finally see the tank in person.
Should a good time!

Sean, how many clowns do you have left? Assuming they all make it, I think 6 should be plenty, unless you need to get rid of more....
Thanks Sean! That nem could definitely hold that many. I can definitely see the day when it will outgrow my tank.

Thanks Marc, I take that as a big compliment coming from you. Oh, just heard the last podcast, very entertaining.

Hey Tony, looks like my pH issue has settled down. Things have returned to their natural fluctuations between 8.15 during the day and 7.95 at night. Once the A/C is kicked off, it jumps a bit. Right now the Ca RX is offline. The new regulator gets here today. Since I am heading outta town, I will address it on Thurs.
Busy weekend. Have about 30 fellow hobbyists over to relax, unwind and toss back a few. I think in all, everyone had a good time. I know I did. Yesterday's hangover and 2nd degree burns on my leg to prove it. Alcohol, gas and matches do NOT go together.

Also got some new toys!

Had a friend who does excellent acrylic work make me a reactor body and a new RO reservoir. Given his quality of work, these hardly qualify as DIY. However, it'll give me something to play around with.

I plan to make a sulfur denitrator out of this. Nitrates are still undetectable. However, I thought it would be neat to make and handy to have around in a pinch. The reactor body measures 6"x21".


Also needed something larger to store RO water. I am currently using 50g pickle barrels. However, I never know what my water level is and have run out several times. The total volume is ~80gal which should provide enough water for top off and water changes.

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15584927#post15584927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
Yesterday's hangover and 2nd degree burns on my leg to prove it. Alcohol, gas and matches do NOT go together.

So says, The Pale Warrior known as "Dances With Flames!"