Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Its funny, the new guy is a bit skittish....until food is put in the tank. Also, I thought my hippo was a crop duster...

Played around with the macro function on my camera. By no means professional shots but I didn't think these were too shabby for a point and click:






Congrats on the new fish. That's a beast!

I can't tell what is going on with that coral from that shot, but you're staying on top of it. :thumbsup:

Nice pictures. That first Zoanthid picture is perfect.
Sweet pics man! That tang is going to leave you some nice nuggets in te bottom of the tank :) I can't believe how much coraline you have in your tank. I only have a few dime sized spots. It must be that special water you have up there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15489898#post15489898 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Congrats on the new fish. That's a beast!

I can't tell what is going on with that coral from that shot, but you're staying on top of it. :thumbsup:

Nice pictures. That first Zoanthid picture is perfect.

Thanks Marc, and thanks Sean. He grew that bad boy to size.

I am pretty impressed with this camera. For a point and click, its not too bad. Eventually I would like to get something better but given how much I have spent lately, not a battle I want to fight.

The coral is concerning. I think the GFO might have shocked it. I snapped some photos to compare to see if the spots grow/shrink
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15490062#post15490062 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mike660r
Sweet pics man! That tang is going to leave you some nice nuggets in te bottom of the tank :) I can't believe how much coraline you have in your tank. I only have a few dime sized spots. It must be that special water you have up there.

He's already dropped some bombs the were pureed by a Tunze. The corals are gonna love it.

The coralline took off at first, then stopped for a while. My mag was lagging so I brought it back up and it started up again.

Although it probably has little to do with the coralline itself, I my water locally is pretty good. I completely abandoned my DI resin. The output of my membrane has a TDS of 12. Been using it that way for over a year while with no issues.
So its like the 100th rainy day in NE Ohio so I decide to run out the LFS and pick up a couple chromis to bring my school to a grand total of 15. Mike stops over and we are BSing when one of my clowns runs out, snatches a live chromis and drags it into the nem.

I've heard of clowns feeding nems before but never seen it like this. Very interesting. Oh and there's $5 down the drain....
Maybe YOU should feed that anemone from time to time so the clown doesn't feel the need.

That's just nuts though. :eek2:
:eek1: You actually have to feed anemones? J/K

As much as it ticked me off it was neat to see. They keep going after the chromis though. This pair won't be in the tank much longer. As soon as the baby onyx are big enough, the clarkii's will be moved to another tank and the babies will be take up residence in the display.
:eek2: Yes you need to feed them and the rest of the fish too

I told you clowns will drag fish into the nem Ive seen this first hand ....


Hows the Whale?
LOL, I've seen them drag food into the nem before, however this definitely was a first for me. Serves me right for getting tiny fish.

The whale is doing awesome. He's officially taken over as the neighborhood bada$$ as well as resident crop duster. Man that fish can poop! ORP is still chilling >420's.

PO4 is starting to creep a little though. May need more GFO.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15497479#post15497479 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
Oh and there's $5 down the drain....

That's nuts!

Nice whale btw... That sucker is massive! :lol:
Lookin' good

Lookin' good

Great coral photos, and I love the baby whale...

Great build - thanks for posting so others could be inspired!

Man i saw pics of your tank in the minimalistic aquascaping thread and had to look up if you had a dedicated thread for your tank, read thru it all the last cpl of hours. GREAT looking tank!! Best looking rockwork i've seen in a long time.
this tanks rockwork inspired mine ...acctually I made Jeff help me do mine cause his is so Kick ..... Plus this tank is ten times better looking in person ...... Jeff dont forget to feed the whale (he dont like to miss meals :) )

Serpentman, what a super build. I is nice to see another in wall build. I started mine last Oct and had the tank up and running New Years weekend. Yours makes mine look like crap!!!!!! Congrats on a well thought out and great build!

Thanks murf, I will be sure to check out your thread. I really like the counter top idea. That is something I am still definitely toying with. As soon as I have a chance, I will read your entire thread...

awesome tank, you ever make any frags of those beautiful corals?
At this point, I kinda feel like its fragging frags. Most everything I have is 6" or under. Once things get to full fledged colonies, I will likely have no choice but to trim.

Man i saw pics of your tank in the minimalistic aquascaping thread and had to look up if you had a dedicated thread for your tank, read thru it all the last cpl of hours. GREAT looking tank!! Best looking rockwork i've seen in a long time.

Thanks a bunch for the compliments!! Would you believe me if I told you it took me 45 minutes to put together?

this tanks rockwork inspired mine ...acctually I made Jeff help me do mine cause his is so Kick ..... Plus this tank is ten times better looking in person ...... Jeff dont forget to feed the whale (he dont like to miss meals )

Thanks Sean, you should post a link to your thread. Sean's tank is definitely worth checking out. Trust me, the whale is eating well, lol. Although I may have to install this automatic feeder for when I travel.
A little update:

I've had a couple of new additions. Been busy at work but will try and post some pics later.

Also, still have trouble brewing with my large blue/green stag. It looks to be STN'ing progressively worse. I adjusted the flow a little to see if that helps. However, if it doesn't start to slow down soon, I may have to yank the colony and frag whats left. Will post pics soon on that too.