Serpentman's 300g upgrade

FWIW, I would be careful having the skimmer right below your control center. The skimmer exhaust a lot of moist air through the lid which can corrode your expensive reef electronics. But looking really amazing from your aquascape to your detailed layout of your equipment and plumbing.
Thanks JR. I am going to kick on a dehumidifier in the next couple of days. My exhaust fan is still struggling to keep up. I will probably put a circulation fan in that corner so air doesn't sit there. Hopefully that will help, b/c it won't fit anywhere else....
New toy! Things were starting to get tight in my frag tank so I had a buddy make a new frag/grow out tank. He did an awesome job! Measurements are 72"x24"x13". WOOT! Going to work on it Sunday. Depending on how the Browns are playing will depend on whether I get it all plumbed in...


Geez, that really looks great. Can't wait to see it finished with the lights on. The best part about it, you don't have to make a stand for it. Tell your buddy he did a nice job.
Depending on how the Browns are playing will depend on whether I get it all plumbed in...

well if that is the case the plumbing will be done tomarrow. one of these days i am goingto have to come back by and see this thing in person as i know pictures wont due you tank justice.
Thanks JR. I am going to kick on a dehumidifier in the next couple of days. My exhaust fan is still struggling to keep up. I will probably put a circulation fan in that corner so air doesn't sit there. Hopefully that will help, b/c it won't fit anywhere else....

I use an $11 box fan from Wally World. I can use it to push air into any stale corners or use it to push air toward the back door when I am able to leave the fish room ajar. Push me - Pull me type deal... :fun4:

Having some terrestrial plants in your fishroom. Hmmm. I may have to steal that idea. ;)
This issue is relatively chronic when the house is closed up in the summer and winter. Although the pH dips nightly, I am more concerned overall with average CO2. At least in the winter, the heating vents are open as opposed to A/C in the summer to bring air from the rest of the house to the basement.
Thanks Mike!

I got the light rack done today. Everything went together without a hitch. It'll be lit 2/3 by T5's and 1/3 by MH. Maybe I can settle the debate once and for all, lol.


Thanks dude. Yeah, I think I am pushing the limits on fish these days. I have them in every tank plumbed into the system....
So what do you guys think, am I overstocked?

Yellow tang x 2
Purple tang
Sohal tang
Hippo tang
Vlamingi tang
Bristletooth tang
Mimic tang
Black sailfin blenny
Royal gramma
Purple psuedochromis
Blue Green Chromis x 7
Clarkia clowns x 2
Scooter blenny x 2
Mandarin dragonet
Lyretail Anthias x 3
awsome setup.. comment on the purple cray: mine wasnt safe with my fish untill i upped my feeding routine then he left my fish alone.. so it can be kept but they do grow very fast.. love your system perhaps one day whn im big :)
Thanks Leslie! He's actually a spiny blue lobster (Panulirus versicolor). I've been feeding pieces of silversides every couple of days. He's probably doubled in size since I got him at 1.5". My concern is when he gets big as I believe they top out at 12+".....

If he gets into trouble, I will pull him out and put him in a dedicated tank.