Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Hey Tony, yeah it worked out great. So far I am very impressed with them and these aren't even new bulbs!

I did have one extra cap. Just the waterproof cover that screws on the mounting standoff. If you need it back, I can bring on Friday.
if your worried about overstocking i will come liberate that beautiful sohal from you...(j/k)

your set up gets better and better as this thread growns great job on it and when you are ready to sell off some frags your doing let me know.
I think you should add some more fish you have that nitrate reactor just in case. How are you monitoring your phosphates and nitrates( what test kit)?
I am using a Seachem P04 and Salifert NO3.

I am thinking of adding 1 more yellow to make it a threesome. At that point I will probably be done adding anything other than maybe a couple very small fish.
if your worried about overstocking i will come liberate that beautiful sohal from you...(j/k)

your set up gets better and better as this thread growns great job on it and when you are ready to sell off some frags your doing let me know.

Thanks dude, he sure is a feisty fish. Just LMK when you're ready for frags.

How's the 150 coming? Let's see some pics..
Thanks dude.

Updated FTS for October



Looks fantastic as usual! I love the sense of depth created by the aquascaping.
I just spent the past half an hour reading your thread. Great work on everything. Your set us is so clean and neat.

I have a basement 265 in the wall with a fish room like yours. I have a huge humidity
issue. Do you like that Fantech PB190 (190CFM) inline fan with a CAP Air-1 humidity/temp controller? Running two de-humidifiers and a regular bathroom vent fan seem to be the only way to keep it under control.
Thanks guys! So far I am pretty pleased with its progression. I have been adding fish like mad. My only concern at the moment is whether it will be an issue.

Current levels are:

Ca: 470
Alk: 9.6
Mg: 1450
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 2.5
pH: 8.1
Temp: 78.5

I have a basement 265 in the wall with a fish room like yours. I have a huge humidity
issue. Do you like that Fantech PB190 (190CFM) inline fan with a CAP Air-1 humidity/temp controller? Running two de-humidifiers and a regular bathroom vent fan seem to be the only way to keep it under control.

Edward, honestly, although the unit helps, I have found that it doesn't quite address the issue of humidity altogether. I am still running a dehumidifier as well. I also need to finish the front panel over the top of the tank so the room is sealed better. I have a temporary panel there now but it doesn't close well.

Are you keeping the heat from the dehumdifier to warm the basement, or do you duct that out of your home as well?
It's pretty cold down there year round so it hasn't been an issue, except for days when neither A/C or heat is running. Then the fish room/tank gets a bit warm. I usually just shut it down when the windows are open.
Tell you what though, its amazing how small a 300g gets once you get use to it. I already have dreams of a 4' front to back tank.

However, that dream is several years and a recovered economy away....
Thanks, I was looking through the pics from a few months ago and am amazed at how much growth in such a short time. I am planning to take some more comparison shots this week. Will post for sure.

Also getting really weird ORP values on my AC3. My Pinpoint is telling me I am between 370-410mv.2-5. However, my AC3 is saying 18-30. Something isn't right. Hope the Pinpoint is correct.
So what do you guys think, am I overstocked?

Yellow tang x 2
Purple tang
Sohal tang
Hippo tang
Vlamingi tang
Bristletooth tang
Mimic tang
Black sailfin blenny
Royal gramma
Purple psuedochromis
Blue Green Chromis x 7
Clarkia clowns x 2
Scooter blenny x 2
Mandarin dragonet
Lyretail Anthias x 3

Very nice tank :) but I'd say thats a little heavy. IMO, As the fish start to grow, you will notice your nutrient levels bloom. Once that occurs, then you will have to play catch up and its never fun chasing numbers.
Yeah, I definitely thought about that. I am keeping a close eye on NO3 and PO4. As those levels creep up, I may have to make some difficult choices (or buy a bigger tank!).