Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Yeah, I definitely thought about that. I am keeping a close eye on NO3 and PO4. As those levels creep up, I may have to make some difficult choices (or buy a bigger tank!).

Yep, be especially care with the po4 because once your rocks absorb it, its not fun :sad1:
Thanks Leslie! He's actually a spiny blue lobster (Panulirus versicolor). I've been feeding pieces of silversides every couple of days. He's probably doubled in size since I got him at 1.5". My concern is when he gets big as I believe they top out at 12+".....

If he gets into trouble, I will pull him out and put him in a dedicated tank.

My grocery store has dedicated tanks for lobster...

When they get up to a a pound and a half, they seem to disappear...

Seriously, the tank is looking great. I don't think you're overstocked yet, but those tang are going to grow... :fish1: How do you keep the Chromis from killing each other?


Tell you what though, its amazing how small a 300g gets once you get use to it. I already have dreams of a 4' front to back tank.

Well mine is 4' front to back, and I feel the same way sometimes...It was huge and overwhelming at first,but now I wished I would have went with 10' long instead of 8'. Never happy, lol.
You should definitely get a bigger tank.
In fact, I know a guy that would take that 300 of your hands.;)

Definitely keep you posted. Might have to shop for a divorce attorney though, lol. I'm still recovering from this build...

My grocery store has dedicated tanks for lobster...

When they get up to a a pound and a half, they seem to disappear...

Seriously, the tank is looking great. I don't think you're overstocked yet, but those tang are going to grow... :fish1: How do you keep the Chromis from killing each other?



Ya know, he does look kinda tasty...

Regarding the chromis, not sure but 7 seems to be the magic number. Every time I add them, I end up with 7 again. A few weeks ago, I bought 10 more. My clowns dragged all 10, one by one, into the anemone. Nothing like flushing $50 down the drain.

Well mine is 4' front to back, and I feel the same way sometimes...It was huge and overwhelming at first,but now I wished I would have went with 10' long instead of 8'. Never happy, lol.

I hear you. When I moved this one into the house, I told my self, I'll never need a new tank. Less than 6mos later, I am dreaming of bigger. Originally I was thinking about 4' x 8', however the thought of lighting it gave me cold sweats. Once my kids are out of the house....
Jeff, What a fandamntabulous tank! I have to see it in person. Was great meeting you today and really enjoyed the conversation :)
Keep up the superb have made magic!
i am super way my 300g setup can be even close to that...i'm making it simple...super awesome...are you half robot?
Wow. What a beautiful tank. I love the aquascaping. Those dimensions must be nice! :rollface:

Thanks a bunch! Although I love the dimensions, its never enough....

Jeff, What a fandamntabulous tank! I have to see it in person. Was great meeting you today and really enjoyed the conversation :)
Keep up the superb have made magic!

Likewise! By all means, Rita, anytime you find yourself north, just let me know. You are welcome to check it out.

i am super way my 300g setup can be even close to that...i'm making it simple...super awesome...are you half robot?

LOL, sure it will. Don't let all the gadgets fool you. I use as much automation as possible because I travel a lot. Otherwise, its not all necessary. Simple means less potential failure points. And I am so very human. I have made every mistake one can and then some....
I went back and looked but couldn't find. What are the mesurments of your tank. Also, tank is looking awesome.
The build i reel nice. Can you tell me how you like the fantech and do you need the humidstat? Our are you just running it on a timer still? Thanks. One mre thing is the fan noisie?
Although I like the fantech, it alone is not sufficient to remove the humidity generated by my system. I do run it on a humidistat and in conjunction with a dehumidifier, it seems to work ok. The fan is not noisy at all though.

Now my challenge is to pipe fresh air back into the room to avoid pH issues. In the end, I think I am going to spring for a full blown air exchanger with heat recovery.
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The regenative air exchangers work very well. My parents use one on their superinsulated house in northern (almost to canada) NY.

Believe it or not it is much colder and three times the snow of Chardon.
I'm not sure where I can mount it. The corner of the house where I have everything vented seems to trap some noxious gases from the leach bed. I had a guy come out and explain it was simply the way the house was situated on the lot. They air gets trapped in that little nook. I was pulling in very low pH air.

Not sure how the wife would feel about a 6" inch hole on the viewable side of the house :)
The build i reel nice. Can you tell me how you like the fantech and do you need the humidstat? Our are you just running it on a timer still? Thanks. One mre thing is the fan noisie?

Thanks i was looking on line found a place and talked to them today westsidewholesale here is the link the one i am thinking about going with. They said it should do the trick. You never know until you try. The price is not bad eather. Another thing is panisonic may last longer.*470914*&Ntt=*470914*&Dk=0&N=0&Nty=1
If you only had access from the front and sides of the tank would you be able to clean the back glass or move corals around in the middle of the tank?