Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Looks great as usual! Have you considered vodka for the nitrate?

I have. However, I travel a lot for work so I am very leery about dosing while I am away. I figure, if I can't be consistent, its probably not a good idea.
I have. However, I travel a lot for work so I am very leery about dosing while I am away. I figure, if I can't be consistent, its probably not a good idea.

Jeff, with the bio pellets you put them in an external canister filter or fluidized reactor and leave them alone.

On a side note, since I put the skimmer intakes out the window, pH drops to 8.1 and rises to 8.2 during the day.
Hmmm, sounds interesting. Will do some research into them.

As far as the skimmer, I actually drilled a hole in my wall to vent outside. The problem is its in a "pocket" of dead air formed by the shape of the house. For some reason, depending on how the wind blows I am actually trapping gas from my septic in that area so I was pulling methane. Not good. My pH actually plunged big time.

I have had experts out there and they explain that its a freak coincidence due to the shape of the house, where it is situation in relation to the leach field and in relation to the way the wind blows. Unfortunately the only window is on the other side of the house.
Thanks dude.

Lil' update. Something has been eating my SPS. Based on the bite patterns which are overlapping circles about 3/8" dia and appears random. I don't think its a typical coral pest like AEFW but rather a fish or invert pecking at them. The damage is only on the top and there are tiny scrapes in the flesh. I highly suspect my longspine urchin as there isn't a lot in the way of algae. I removed him the other day to see if it stops.


More updates. I noticed my Reeflux 20K's color shifted waaaay early (~3mos). They are still putting out nice PAR so I am reluctant to replace them. Put another set of VHO 454's to offset the shift. My electric company loves me....


Also decided to install a refugium. I've run them in the past with mixed results so we'll see how this one goes...


Picked up some livestock from Salty Critter on Black Friday. Got a leopard wrasse (haven't seen him since...not good), an orange starfish and this little guy.


Here's a pic of a Mag on long term loan from Tony (AD87). Its doing awesome in my nem tank.

I am sorry about your Acro problems. It does look like an urchin pattern though. I hope that is the issue.

I have a question. I was wondering if those two systems are plumbed together? The tank on the right and left? If so, have any pictures of it? With the refugium you added, did you drill the top acrylic tank to have it end up draining into the refugium? Will this then be plumbed into the main system? I am curious as I want to add a separate refugium to my sump. I'm just not sure how to do it. I wanted to do it with one tank on top and refugium on the bottom. Like what I believe you have. =)
I am sorry about your Acro problems. It does look like an urchin pattern though. I hope that is the issue.

I have a question. I was wondering if those two systems are plumbed together? The tank on the right and left? If so, have any pictures of it? With the refugium you added, did you drill the top acrylic tank to have it end up draining into the refugium? Will this then be plumbed into the main system? I am curious as I want to add a separate refugium to my sump. I'm just not sure how to do it. I wanted to do it with one tank on top and refugium on the bottom. Like what I believe you have. =)

Thanks. Hopefully he was the culprit and the problem is solved. Yes, all the tanks you see are plumbed into the main display and connected by a inadequately small (75g) sump. I'd be happy to share more pics. What specifically were you looking for?

The refugium is drilled. All three tanks you see above feed into a 2 inch drain that dumps into the sump. The frag tank drain splits into the fuge as well and the refugium is on a riser to raise high enough to plumb to the drain.

Here's a pic of what the mess looks like under the frag tank.


And here is the whole layout. Notice the two pipes in the middle. The top is the return line that feeds the frag tank and new tank as well as all the reactors. The bottom is the drain.


Looking at all of these builds it looks like I need to redo my rock work simply amazing.

Thanks. I am definitely a fan of "less is more".
you really have a great setup well thought out and executeded
i would love to see some videos of your DT and fish room equipment/tanks in action
it really puts it all into perspective
You wish is my command. The color isn't that great but it should give a decent perspective.

Main Display

Fish Room
the videos were short but very sweet!
i wish my setup was half as good as yours maybe in the near future i can do another upgrade and steal some ideas off you :D
Feel free to steal away! I would like to say that this is my first tank. However, years of experience and learning from the many mistakes along the way went into its design.

Lets see a pic of that 75!