Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Thanks i was looking on line found a place and talked to them today westsidewholesale here is the link the one i am thinking about going with. They said it should do the trick. You never know until you try. The price is not bad eather. Another thing is panisonic may last longer.*470914*&Ntt=*470914*&Dk=0&N=0&Nty=1

Thanks for the tip. It says that unit is rated for 50sq ft? If so, might need to find something a little bigger. Like the price though.

If you only had access from the front and sides of the tank would you be able to clean the back glass or move corals around in the middle of the tank?

It could be done. It really depends on the height of the stand. My tank is mounted 42" off the ground so that would probably present a bit of a problem.
Jeff, it took me a few days but finally finished reading you thread. You have a really awesome tank that was very well planned. Did you get the tank locally.
Thanks dude. Since you're local, if you are interested, you're more than welcome to check it out in person.

Although some of the local stores carry them, I got a killer deal on a brand new tank from a guy that didn't set it up.
Alot of your fish are small, I don't think you're overstocked. I'll have 40 in mine when I'm done with 5 large angels and 4 tangs. I do dose Vodka and and have a Nitrate reactor though. :)
Yeah, I have a reactor ready to go if things start to trend upward. Also may bring a fuge online.

Snapped some random shots. One of these days I am going to get me an SLR...






great build!
how are you going to enclose the front? because this is the way i might put in my 220 when i upgrade after i get the money except were the corner side is will be going down a hall instead of into a doorway it will be setting in my dinning room and i will build up a wall in the front and another wall on the side which will be built into the existing hallway wall i will have alittle bit of a area to the side and behind the tank but im sure i will find room to put some goodies in a little space :D
great build!
how are you going to enclose the front? because this is the way i might put in my 220 when i upgrade after i get the money except were the corner side is will be going down a hall instead of into a doorway it will be setting in my dinning room and i will build up a wall in the front and another wall on the side which will be built into the existing hallway wall i will have alittle bit of a area to the side and behind the tank but im sure i will find room to put some goodies in a little space :D

Like mine?

Jeff's is much nicer BTW!!!
Thanks dude. Since you're local, if you are interested, you're more than welcome to check it out in person.

Although some of the local stores carry them, I got a killer deal on a brand new tank from a guy that didn't set it up.

That would be cool. Right now I am on nights (12hr shifts) until we get the plant started up. Hopefully after that, Was going to try and get to the Nov C-Sea meeting anyways.
If you didn't have the VHO's would the Lumen Bright's cover the 36" width of your tank? How high do you have the bottom of the LB's off the water?
Hey all, sorry for the lack of replies. Was out of town this week for work and didn't have a chance to log on.

Nice pics. How are the Anthias doing?

Hey Keith, they are still doing well. Surprisingly (knock on wood) I haven't killed them yet, lol.

Hey Jeff, Do you know what that SPS in the 5th pic is called? I have the same exact piece.


I am not sure what it is. I have 2 of them that I bought as frags that were completely browned out. Its a beautiful coral in person. Nice green transitioning to purple with blue polyps. If I find out, I will let you know.

great build!
how are you going to enclose the front? because this is the way i might put in my 220 when i upgrade after i get the money except were the corner side is will be going down a hall instead of into a doorway it will be setting in my dinning room and i will build up a wall in the front and another wall on the side which will be built into the existing hallway wall i will have alittle bit of a area to the side and behind the tank but im sure i will find room to put some goodies in a little space :D

I have some preliminary plans drawn on it. Sean (Discoreefrover) were planning on tackling it this winter. I am definitely going to need to do something soon to keep the humidity in the rest of the basement in check.

The currently plan is trim around the entire front. The trim will abut the glass and conceal the tank's trim. Their will be a one-piece door that will look like a panel that will flip up. It will either stay in place via a prop bar or hook to the ceiling. I am thinking of puting some kind of hydraulics on it so it can't slam closed. The side panel will be trimmed to look like a faux door panel.

Very nice build. I would go that far. Any reef that you can set a drink down in front of has my vote! With it being open like that, do you have any humidity issues?

That would be cool. Right now I am on nights (12hr shifts) until we get the plant started up. Hopefully after that, Was going to try and get to the Nov C-Sea meeting anyways.

LMK, if I am not traveling on business, I work from the house so you are welcome to stop by during the day. Hope to see you at the meeting. Be sure to introduce yourself. However, I am usually running around like a chicken with my head cut off so please don't be offended if I can't talk much, lol.

If you didn't have the VHO's would the Lumen Bright's cover the 36" width of your tank? How high do you have the bottom of the LB's off the water?

That's a tough one. The VHO's are on there more for supplementation than additional PAR. However I think they help a lot near the front and back. The Reeflux 20K bulbs, although they have great PAR, are very white. Honestly, I don't think the LB mini's are giving me the best spread, even mounted 18" off the surface. I recently picked up 3 used full size Lumenarc's that my buddy is polishing for me. I may have to rebuild my light rack to accommodate them but I am thinking I will get better spread front to back. I just hope the PAR in the center of the tank isn't sacrificed too much. It might be a week or two until I can get them in. However, I will take before and after PAR measurements and will post my results.

In the meantime, I would say if your tank is similar sized, go either with the full sized LB's or a set of Lumenarcs.
im just curious with your rock formations did you use any foam to place the pieces together to give you the look you were going for?
ive been reading up alot on people doing this i will do some for my upgrade when i do it


I really liked your month by month photo recap. Enjoyed it very much!

I think I'll borrow the idea on my thread... you know - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

im just curious with your rock formations did you use any foam to place the pieces together to give you the look you were going for?
ive been reading up alot on people doing this i will do some for my upgrade when i do it

Actually very little of the rock is secured permanently. I used fiberglass rods from driveway reflectors in each piece. They basically go together like legos. Aside from the corals encrusted to one another, the rockwork could be disassembled and reassembled just like it is.

I really liked your month by month photo recap. Enjoyed it very much!

I think I'll borrow the idea on my thread... you know - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


No problem at all dude. Consider me flattered :)

Man, Jeff your water is so damn clear, what is your secret???

Actually, its never clear enough for me! To me, the key is key is skimming. I also run carbon. Finally, keeping my clowns from stirring everything up is the biggest challenge.