Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Nice thread update Jeff.

Wow was it really 3 months in the making? For some reason it felt like it happened a lot faster than that. Well now... I guess for building a new room in your house, outlining and upgrading a completely new filtration/plumbing/lighting system, and transferring an entire fully functional reef system... oh, and not to mention having a job... 3 months isn't too shabby. :lol:

Tank looks great, really filling in nicely. :thumbsup:
Jeff, how is the ph issue working out? I have noticed my ph dropping, due to the house being closed up and the tank in the basement, with the furnace, fireplace and CO2 being heavier than O2. I moved my skimmer intake out the window, hope that fixes the issue.
Sorry for the delay in posting. Been crazy at work these last few weeks. The good news I will be home (no business travel) for at least 2 weeks, WOOT!

Was uploading pics and thought I would include an non-reef related photo and gratuitously show of my wife, lol. We were at a Halloween party 2 weeks ago and I had a major costume malfunction so was "that guy" with no costume.

Nice thread update Jeff.

Wow was it really 3 months in the making? For some reason it felt like it happened a lot faster than that. Well now... I guess for building a new room in your house, outlining and upgrading a completely new filtration/plumbing/lighting system, and transferring an entire fully functional reef system... oh, and not to mention having a job... 3 months isn't too shabby. :lol:

Tank looks great, really filling in nicely. :thumbsup:

Thanks dude, in hindsite 3 months sounds longer than it was. Sean and I must have put in 20-30 hours a week at least getting the room built. To actually set the system up, I think took about 3 days.
New pics? any new additions? Can we get a shot of the frag tank?

Your wish is my command....

I actually added a couple of pieces of rock to the back of the rockwork. There was some wasted space that I wanted to use to allow corals poke out. Its hard to tell from the pick but should make things look more full in the end.

View from the side


Left Side




Right Side

Frag tank looks really full. However, I am storing a bunch of stuff for an upcoming club event. BTW, took some PAR measurements. The side with 4 T5 bulbs is around 320. The side with 250W MH bulbs is around 250. We'll see how they match up when I put a decent reflector on there. So far, I am very impressed with the T5s.


My nem tank

My future refugium. NO3 is starting to creep up. Not too bad but I would like to try and keep it in check naturally before installing a sulfur denitrifier.

Jeff, how is the ph issue working out? I have noticed my ph dropping, due to the house being closed up and the tank in the basement, with the furnace, fireplace and CO2 being heavier than O2. I moved my skimmer intake out the window, hope that fixes the issue.

Hey murfman, my pH is still noticeably lower (7.8-8.0) than it is with the windows open (8.2-8.4). I am actually pulling air for the skimmer from an adjacent room which seems to help. However, I think my issues are worse in the summer where the house is completely sealed. Since the furnace draws air from the outside, I think things are a little better.
Both your tank and wife are looking good!:smokin:
What T5's are you using on the frag tank?
I hear you there. For every dollar I spend on the tank, it somehow costs me 2 in other ways.

Here are a few more pics. I need to take some comparison shots because the growth has really been awesome lately.





