Blast From The Past

I found on the internet an article that was published about my tank in 2012. It was in Salt Corner by a friend of mine Bob Goemans.
It reads "A 25 Year Journey with a Salt Water Tank" and talks about how the hobby started. Or at least how I started. :cool:

Nice. I was a huge follower of Goemans. My first big reef tank (200 gallon) used his plenum system and for being bare bones, under skimmed, etc., it was probably the most successful reef I've ever owned when it came to Acros and Montis. Then again, the growth of the SPS probably had a lot to do with (3) 250 watt 6,500K Iwasakis and (2) 400 watt 20,000K Radiums ;)
Picked this up on evilbay with my Christmas money for next to nothing.


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I’m running low on salt. I’ve used Coralife for a bagillion years. Everywhere I look online the sellers are either out of Coralife or asking crazy high prices for it. So, I went searching locally today, again, none in stock anywhere. Petco has IO on sale, so I guess I’m changing salt for the first time in 30+ years.

Anyway, as I was trying to hunt down the salt, I remembered one of the first, “reef” salts I ever used. Not sure why that popped into my mind. Apparently it is still made because as I was searching for a pic to post to this thread, I found stores still selling it.


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I’m running low on salt. I’ve used Coralife for a bagillion years. Everywhere I look online the sellers are either out of Coralife or asking crazy high prices for it. So, I went searching locally today, again, none in stock anywhere. Petco has IO on sale, so I guess I’m changing salt for the first time in 30+ years.

Anyway, as I was trying to hunt down the salt, I remembered one of the first, “reef” salts I ever used. Not sure why that popped into my mind. Apparently it is still made because as I was searching for a pic to post to this thread, I found stores still selling it.
I totally remember seeing that stuff.
I think I had one of those. Were they coloured molded plastic? Clear but purple or blue or something.
@kharmaguru look what I I found tonight digging in my stuff setting up a kalk drip for the tank. Not 1, but 2 Amiracle venturis😳

Not sure how I kept those. Guessing the skimmer body broke and I kept the Venturis🤷🏻‍♂️


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I’m running low on salt. I’ve used Coralife for a bagillion years. Everywhere I look online the sellers are either out of Coralife or asking crazy high prices for it. So, I went searching locally today, again, none in stock anywhere. Petco has IO on sale, so I guess I’m changing salt for the first time in 30+ years.

Anyway, as I was trying to hunt down the salt, I remembered one of the first, “reef” salts I ever used. Not sure why that popped into my mind. Apparently it is still made because as I was searching for a pic to post to this thread, I found stores still selling it.

I hated Coralife salt. I stopped using it a long long time ago when I had a batch that had no alkalinity in it and I lost a few Sps. I had a few SPS RTN so what the first thing you think of is to change some water. So I start changing more water and it gets worse. So I test my tank water and low alk. Change more water and Alk drops even more and I am scratching my head. Test my freshly made salt water and almost no alk. That was the first time I tested newly made salt water and now I test every new bucket or box of salt. This was maybe 25+ years ago, SPS were still hard at the time and not much known. Coralife was popular too because it was like the first salt made for reefs. I have had other brands too that were off.
Bumping this as there’s a bunch of, “seasoned” 😉 hobbyists on this site. Want to see more old school stuff. Come in @Paul B you’ve gotta have more pics of old stuff.
We were taking plugs from a few patches of Zoysia today to place around the yard. While digging a hole for the plug, I found this.

For those who don’t know, back in the 80s and early 90s we would take the plastic roll from the printer paper for desk calculators and cut them up for filter media for wet/dry filters.

We’ve only lived here for about 20 years and the original owners didn’t keep aquariums. So, I’m wondering if I had it somewhere in my stuff from decades past and it somehow made it through 4 moves and then into the backyard????


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