Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Some more of the tank mates...



Japanese Blueline (love this guy!!)


Fish are awesome as usual Chris... I also love the aquascaping...btw my Personifer has been in the DT since Monday and doing pretty good. Ironically the only angel that harrassed him was the Emperor who happens to be the smallest angel in the tank! go figure. . I think the Personifer is a male as he's getting that "elongated limo" look. His face is also starting to turn purple.
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Chris that fulcippinis is dead sexy!!!!!! Looks to be in great condition!!!!! My favorite of the bunch with the perfect conspic biting at its caudal.
Wow Chris!That tank looks great.You did a great job with the aquascaping and i cant believe the colors on that anthias:)
I'm amazed at the fish you are able to keep and healthy it seems. Hopefully you have long term success, especially with the idol and venustus. I too would like to hear about the equipment side, what are you doing about humidity issues as well? That is my biggest problem/setback for setting up a 400+ tank. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work.
Wow!!! Man those fish are perfect! And your shots are great too!!!
Thanks Ryan! They are better in person ;)

Im not worthy!!! :spin1::crazy1:
LOL! Whatever dude...

Oh My.....I want all your fish!!!!
Tank looks great
Thanks Stacie! You have a couple of fish I would give one of my children for :beer:


You guys are picking on my favorite fish:fish2:
Not picking on the interrupta, rather highlighting the fact that it is a 8" pygmy angel :celeb3: I love them, just never had the inclination to get one.

Tank looking great Chris!
Thanks Brian!

Fish are awesome as usual Chris... I also love the aquascaping...btw my Personifer has been in the DT since Monday and doing pretty good. Ironically the only angel that harrassed him was the Emperor who happens to be the smallest angel in the tank! go figure. . I think the Personifer is a male as he's getting that "elongated limo" look. His face is also starting to turn purple.
Thanks Peter...I am glad your Meredithi is doing great in the tank. I would love to see updated pics of the out for the emperor...mine has quite the attitude...

looks really good but i think it will look better if its a REEF! Chris
LOL! Reef shmeef...I am in the process of making the 180 into an SPS...

Wow that is amazing and looks even better than I thought it would! Does your Emp chase new additions?
Thanks JJK_reef00! The emperor doesnt care about new additions at all...the only fish he pays attention to is the moorish idol. He doesnt like it too much, but they have been together for over a year and do just fine. I think part of the key is the fact that I have had the emperor since it was just 2.5"

Whats your fiitration setup look like? Got any pics of sump skimmer or refugium?

Hi Marc - I have dual sumps under the tank. They are both 125g tanks plumbed together with 2 (1.5) pipes creating a nice baffle. Other than that, I run an AquaC EV2000 which was going to be my backup skimmer, but it is killing getting out the gunk. It pulls around 5g of skim ever 4 days. I have decided to sell my brand new MRC MR6R skimmer that is killer, but not needed...yet :)

I will get some pics.

Chris that fulcippinis is dead sexy!!!!!! Looks to be in great condition!!!!! My favorite of the bunch with the perfect conspic biting at its caudal.
Thanks Tim...the fuscipinnis is a great fish. He eats everything and is out in the water column for the majority of the day. You still cant beat a conspic though...

wow very nice collection of fishes you got there.
Thanks Reefaddictor!

Wow Chris!That tank looks great.You did a great job with the aquascaping and i cant believe the colors on that anthias:)
THanks Kieth! The anthias in person is 10x better

I'm speechless Chris :thumbsup:
Thanks Mark! I say the same thing everytime I see your tank...oh BTW how about the GRE vs. NGA match?? How did NGA not score on that wide open net??????

I'm amazed at the fish you are able to keep and healthy it seems. Hopefully you have long term success, especially with the idol and venustus. I too would like to hear about the equipment side, what are you doing about humidity issues as well? That is my biggest problem/setback for setting up a 400+ tank. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work.
Thanks AngelAddict - I have had the moorish idol for over a year in the tank and it is one of the fattest fish I have. The venustus has also been with me for around 9 months. It is a great eater and great personable fish. Most of my large fish have been with me for over 4 years.

I will get some information up on the equipment. I have gone with the KISS principal on my big tank...Keep It Simple Stupid...I have a ton of flow and a lot of skimming...

As for humidity, I installed a 210cfm fan in the fish room and it is on 24/7. I was going ot run it 2-3 times a day for a couple of hours, but it is dead silent and the room is actually colder than the rest of the basement...If I could do it over again I would add another fan.