Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Unfortunately, old age is catching up with me. I think all I'll be able to do is knock on the door and say "boo" just to see you run with the tank on your back :lolspin:
Felt like posting a little skimmer porn...who says AquaC EV2000's don't skim...I beg to differ

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Any tips or tricks on the ev2000? Where do u run your water level? Mine does not skim that well!
LOL! I think you are right Kenny...:sad:

I heard that TsA was after me for illegal fish and that you were the agent in charge. I hope you can run fast because I have a "to go" 100g tank I can strap on my back in a pinch :)

Now that was funny!!!!

Chris, can we get a FTS or video again sometime soon?

Ask and ye shall receive

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WoW! Nice fish as always.

Question: Why not put some macroalgae on the rocks? Some Halimeda would work and not get eaten. Or some soft corals, like Kenya tree and mushrooms.
Your tank is amazing, and thanks for posting the video!! What is your standard treatments for angelfish in quarantine?
New naso and bannerfish?The tank looks great and the addition of those goldflakes you have in qt wont hurt:)
I love all your fishes ,I am very jealous !
But You need some color sticks in there.hehehehe
ccampbell57 - i notice you have joculator and venustus do they fight?
I also have 4 pygmys currently , flame, venustus , potters and golden i want to add joculator but i was worried that it may have trouble with the venustus or maybe the flame angel.

Are yours interacting peacefully?
WOW! BAD A$$ Chris!!! How is your Declevis and Wrought getting along? And how are the Bartlets doing together? I know your love for Angelfish, But what do you think about adding some nice rare wrasses into the mix?
WoW! Nice fish as always.

Question: Why not put some macroalgae on the rocks? Some Halimeda would work and not get eaten. Or some soft corals, like Kenya tree and mushrooms.
I have tried everything. I put in a basketball size rock with GSP on it and within 24 hours it was 90% gone...

Dang, that emp would make a nice meal :eek2:
Hey hey now...:fish1: are for keeping not eating :hammer:

Your tank is amazing, and thanks for posting the video!! What is your standard treatments for angelfish in quarantine?
Thanks Sbleile! I treat all my fish with copper for 30-45 days and 2 rounds of prazi pro.

New naso and bannerfish?The tank looks great and the addition of those goldflakes you have in qt wont hurt:)
Thanks Kieth! THe naso is from my 180. I have had her for 4 years and she is a great fish. I finally decided to move her into the big tank. The heniochus used to be 3, but after the moorish idol decided to go loco, I removed the two and put them in QT. I lost one of them and the other is doing better. The goldflakes will go into the tank in around 4 months once they put on some serious weight.

I love all your fishes ,I am very jealous !
But You need some color sticks in there.hehehehe
Thanks Lawrence! Your jealously is shared by me for your reef :) I need to borrow some of your skills for my new 180 reef...

ccampbell57 - i notice you have joculator and venustus do they fight?
I also have 4 pygmys currently , flame, venustus , potters and golden i want to add joculator but i was worried that it may have trouble with the venustus or maybe the flame angel.

Are yours interacting peacefully?
In my experience with pygmys they are all hit or miss. If you have harmony now, I would not try to mess with joc is not paid attention to by the venustus as it is at least 1-1.5" larger than the joc. If your angels are low key and accepting of new fish, than you can try it, but if they are not, you are asking for war.

WOW! BAD A$$ Chris!!! How is your Declevis and Wrought getting along? And how are the Bartlets doing together? I know your love for Angelfish, But what do you think about adding some nice rare wrasses into the mix?
Thanks Ryan! The wrought and declevis are working things out. The battles have gone down by 75% or more...the declevis is out quite a bit and swims with the other declevis more

The Bartlets are doing ok. There is some bickering, but nothing crazy. All 12 are still around. I realized the other day that I have a bunch of males and only a couple of females (wonderful!!!!)

As for the wrasse...yup that is on the plan, but they will go into the 180 reef :)

cool looking tank

Thanks Caliking!
That happens with bartlett's for some reason. I remember some old threads of people trying to figure out why, and I don't think they found a reason.