Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR


Holy Crap Chris, your basement is nicer than my 3300 sq. ft house!!!

Damn Man, Great Job! And your tank isnt done or Stocked which is gonna be more impressive than anything!!!

Excellent work man and its no wonder why its taken soo long!

Please keep the updates coming!!!!
Thanks Ryan! Yeah it has been a very expensive tank...since the basement was built around the tank :)

I should have water in it soon...I have to bore out my 2 overflows a little bit to fit the 2" bulkheads better...
I title these pics- "Debauchery- the infant years". That basement is going to see some ludicrous times to come.

I fully agree...there will be good times to come down here...there is 1500sq ft for pure pleasure ;)

oh and basements can see...havent you hear that the walls have eyes?
Very Nice Mr. Campbell:thumbsup: Have you gone over what fish you already have in QT and what you are planning on adding in the future?
Looks very nice chris,good idea on adding the pondliner to keep potential water spills off your new carpet.
So is this what I have to look forward to in May??? Can't wait to see it all in person :D
For sure Kenny...we will have a "couple" of drinks whilst we discuss our rediculous addictions :)
Very nice Chris!
Thanks Brian!
Very Nice Mr. Campbell:thumbsup: Have you gone over what fish you already have in QT and what you are planning on adding in the future?
I have not yet Mr. Poletti, but I guess now is as good a time as any right??

Current list:
Clarion Angel (5")
Conspic Angel (4")
Bandit Angel (2")
Japanese Blueline Angel (3")
Emperor Angel(11")
Bluface angel(10")
Queen Angel(11")
Venustus Angel(3.5")
Singapore Angel(2")
Wrought Iron Butterfly (3")
Pair of Declivis butterfly(3.5")
Male Regal tang(10")
Female Naso Tang(10")
Moorish Idol

What is going into the tank later?
Pair of Personifer angels
7-10 female flame wrasse
2 achillies tangs
and a couple of other suprises.

I will also start to stock my 180 again with reef and will do some fun reef fish in there like a pair of chaotti's and a bunch of Ventralis anthias

Awesome rooms and tank!
Thanks Bax!

Looking very good, I love the stone work in your basement.
Thanks! I went for the "Colorado" look and am very pleased with the end product

Great job Chris, looking forward to seeing it in person one of these days.
Thanks Cris! You will be one of the first to see it up and running...very soon ;)

Looks very nice chris,good idea on adding the pondliner to keep potential water spills off your new carpet.
Thanks Kieth! The pond liner is a must for me. I have one under my 180 and it saves me daily. This one was the size of a small me a good piece of mind.
WOW, place looks amazing Chris! I think I need to find a "meeting" for work in CO so I can come check this out! :p

Nice fish list to man, VERY nice :thumbsup:
More shenanigans, just kidding. Where did you find that video!

This build is amazing! I'm curious why you want 2 Achilles tangs? Do you have any specific plans for how you are going to go about finding and adding 2 healthy specimens? Achilles are one of my favorite fish and I want to add one after I upgrade. Adding 2 of them would be amazing! I can't wait to see your tank progress!
Current livestock pics!!!!

No MERCY!!!!

Nice basement Chris!!! How big is the equipment room?

Thanks David! The equipment room is about 125sq ft. It i a big "L" shape. I was going to make the tank 48" deep, but I would have had only 20" to walk behind the tank. The area that is the long part of the L is ~21'x5'.
Update 3/9/2010

All plumbing completed...did a fresh water test last night and only had 1 leaky bulkhead...not bad considering there are 11 on the tank :)

flow in the tank is amazing...