Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Update 3/9/2010

All plumbing completed...did a fresh water test last night and only had 1 leaky bulkhead...not bad considering there are 11 on the tank :)

flow in the tank is amazing...

Jeremy isn't here to do, so I will fill in just this one time because there are no pictures :lol:

3/15/10 Update -

First off, pictures to come tonight.

I drained the sump and refugium and fixed the leaky bulkhead...nothing like some good old silicone. I let the silicone cure for 12 hours and refilled the tank and started it up again....6 hours later another leak!!!!!!!!!

I searched all the bulkeads...nothing...searched the glass...nothing...then I looked at the bottom of the second 125 and noticed that the silicone was brittle and was letting water through! AHHHHHH!!!

SO...I drained the sump and refugium again...dried it out and begane the fun process of razorblading out the entire bottom section of the tank's silicone. After about 2 hours of work I completed the process with some rubbing alcohol and cleaned the surface.

I put in 1.5 tubes of Silicone 1 and caried the silicone 2" on either side of the seam.

I let the tank cure for 12 hours and re-applied another level of silicone...this thing is SEALED...

I let stand till yesterday morning and then re-filled the tank. I started the pump yet again and am happy to say all the leaks are DONE!

Now the final overflow teeth are not letting enough drainage through...I have to drill them out to give more flow...I need opinions from you guys as to what I should do...

Here is what I am thinking:
(1) Add a 1.5" bulkead straight to the overflow with a strainer on it to get a ton of flow.
(2) Cut out 1-1.5" of the teeth at the bottom of the overflow to give more lineal inches of flow instead of being confined to 1/2" slits.
(3) add another overflow box on each side of the tank with a separate 1.5" drain tied into the existing....
I hope you using the good ge silicone.

I opened my over flow boxes with a dremel. I made them wider and deeper.

I have 2 overflows on my tank and both boxes have 2 drains. I don't think the number of boxes is as important as the number of pipes. It would really suck if they get clogged by a snail or fish and your tank overflows. Also skimming more of the top water from the tank is a good point.
Very large tank and nice area that you have it in also. I can just imagine how beautiful it is going to look with the large angels.
Very gorgeous basement and home. This is going to be a wonderful tank, can't wait until it is up and running.
Man, he's really asking for it. I may have to roll up the sleeves and get nasty.....

Lets go Campbell!!! I am drawing a line in the sand.
Ok OK are some pictures of the fish to tide over while I am fixing my overflow teeth...what a SOB by the way...EFFFF!!

My 3" Japanese Blueline

My 3" Venustus

My 2.5" Wrought Iron

My 4" Conspic

My Declivis Pair with my old Bandit Pair

My 5.5" Clarion

My 11"+ Emperor
VERY Nice... I hate you.

I think I have to move into the basement to tend to your fish while you're not home. My bandit can come too right?

LOVE that Wrought bro :thumbsup:
Very nice, Chris
Thanks Kenny

Nice! That little blueline is cute.
Thanks Brian. The little blueline is a trip. He is currently with a pair of Wrought Irons and is the first fish everyone asks about. He is one of my favorite angels. I have had many bluelines, but this one being a true Japanese version and the fact that I have a picture of it being caught in the net makes it that much more special.

ahhhhhh.......serenity now.
Insanity later!!!

The eye on the wrought iron is hillarious!!! Its like he is staring me down :hmm6::hmm6::hmm6::hmm6::hmm3:
You are spot on about him David...he is crazy. Unlike the other 2 wrought irons this one darts around the tank and absolutely attacks food. He is also fearless. I put my hand in the tank and he comes right up to it and starts to pick at my fingers for the food. I pet him all the time :) Compare this to the 4.5" Wrought Iron who just moves around the tank like an angel and actually lays in my hand as I feed him like a fat dog

Thanks Chris for making me very jealous. Mods, please close this thread :lol:
LOL!!! Come on man...your tank is like looking at a professional painting...everytime you take a picture it is like a work of art. Lets Rho sham bo for the closure :)

VERY Nice... I hate you.

I think I have to move into the basement to tend to your fish while you're not home. My bandit can come too right?

LOVE that Wrought bro :thumbsup:
Thanks Austin! Hey man you can move here and tend to the fish...I need a live in nanny for all the tanks I have running right now (6 right now).

Yes your bandit can come...but dont let it pair up with my little 2" guy or he will stay :)...below is a video that Jake Adams took when he came over and did some stories on my little guys (including the wrought irons)

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Incredible Shots Chris! I just keep scrolling up and down looking at them! It is truly an amazing collection and I know that there are others your hiding from us!!!

Great job man and keep up the updates!