Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Here are a couple of other pictures of the current fish...

10" Female Naso Tang

Fat 10.5" Male Regal Tang

10" Blueface Angel

11" Queen Angel
If I remember correctly most of those fish were in your old tank. How did you store all of those big fish while you were upgrading? Did you keep your old tank up until the new one is finished?

Awesome build by the way!
Really nice basement. I live in CALI so basements here are rare and thats too bad as i would love to have a tank in a basement, I also have a home theater that would be awsome in a basement. Basements are so cool. You have a very nice home by the way.
Chris, can you comment on why your Clarion has held its juvi colors to 5"? I want one but, I really like the juvi colors a lot better than the adult colors. If i can get one small that would be good, but many of the ones that come in are already adults...
Chris, can you comment on why your Clarion has held its juvi colors to 5"? I want one but, I really like the juvi colors a lot better than the adult colors. If i can get one small that would be good, but many of the ones that come in are already adults...

Ryan - this picture is from about 6 months ago. Since then my Clarion has lost almost all of the facial lines from his juvinille stage. He still has the very vivid blue lines though his belly. I figure that there is another 2" before his full adult coloration is complete.

The ones that came in the last shippment were all larger. There is a new collection starting for them and we should be seeing a new batch shortly.

Juvies are stunning. My first clarion was pure orange with very vivd bright blue lines. I will post pictures of the differnce between my 2" and my 4".
Looking good Chris.

Sorry if I missed it somewhere in the thread, but I recall you saying you are hoping to not have any powerheads? Was that right?
Ryan - will do. I'll let you know when I hear anything.

Kirk - good to see you man! I am trying not to have any powerheads in the tank hence the reason for the 6000gph pump. If I do any powerheads I will have 3-4 Vortech MP40s or 3-4 magnum 8's
Outstanding Chris!!! I cant wait till all those angels are in the new tank...btw are you planning on adding any triggers? I know you previously had a pair of crosshatch a while ago.
Chris whats up with that venustus? Is that just your run of the mill or is it a variation of some type? Where did you bring in those show fish from? PM me if you'd like. Heading to CO in a couple months for business. Not sure where but I'll have shoot through if its in the area. T
I read earlier that you said " Female Naso Tang " or something along those lines. How can you tell it's a female or a male on a Naso Tang ?

Thanks !