If I can fit in the tank...well then...
Hi Campbell,
Very interested to know how to differentiate the male and female naso tang cos i have a 8 " fish.
Wow what a magnificent variety of fish!
I like your qt setup, and I'm curious why you decide to run them together?
If one tank gets a disease wouldn't you then treat all the fish?
Or do you plan on treating all new fish anyway. I treat all my fish with prazipro, and some will copper or hypo all new fish.
I'm debating on doing something similar but had an experience when I put 2 fish in a 55 gallon qt and both got velvet so now I'm thinking about separating new fish if possible.
WOW your tank is gonna be SWEET! And Those have got to be the nicest QT's I've ever seen fish wise!
SHHHHHEEEIIIIITTTT!!! I heard that Chris Hanson caught you red handed...Keep your kiddie porn pics outta this thread please.
And that "creature" in the tank DOES look just like my mom, save she has more facial hair.
what size tanks are you using for the QT tanks?
I'm one of those who does the prazi and cuppramine treatment together in qt but at what point do you hypo the tank? I read in another forum that lowering the salinity increases the toxicity of copper two fold. Is this correct? thanks
I will post pictures of some of the structures that I have started.
Don't wait too long!:lol: