Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Sorry for the delay...I was in Maui for the last 8 days :)

Ryan - Here is a picture of my first 2" baby clarion (notice the left side of the fish and all the blue bars are broken up...this is the only one of its kind). For size Reference the PVC in the picture is 1"


Here is a video of my second clarion (3.75" when it came in)

Thanks Chris! I may have to get one if I can find a small one after a few other pressing additions (cough...cough...Interrupta pair/Wrought...cough)
Ryan - this picture is from about 6 months ago. Since then my Clarion has lost almost all of the facial lines from his juvinille stage. He still has the very vivid blue lines though his belly. I figure that there is another 2" before his full adult coloration is complete.

The ones that came in the last shippment were all larger. There is a new collection starting for them and we should be seeing a new batch shortly.

Juvies are stunning. My first clarion was pure orange with very vivd bright blue lines. I will post pictures of the differnce between my 2" and my 4".

Chris, has your Clarion picked on any corals? Fantastic house and setup!
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Thanks Maximus! I have never has the clarion in a reef. There have been a couple of people on here that have clarions in reefs and have done well with SPS.
LOL!!! Damn it you Hasslehoff'd me!!! I lost the subscription to my own thread...wierd...

Anyway update for today:

I finally finished the QT tanks. I still have to hide the cords and will eventually plumb them together once all the fish are in the big tank. Below is a picture of the 3 tank setup. Currently they are all separate. I have to change the lights to get them all the same, but it will work for now.


Here is a video of the tanks and its inhabitants :)

and a couple of pictures...

Love this pair

Just a size comparison the Bandit is 2"

3.25" Venustus

Group Pic

My Baby

And finally the newest addition...a 2.25" bandit with a clipped tail (Rob caught it with this)
Dammn you chris! Those Wroughts are so sick man, not to mention all the others... I don't know of any others keeping a thriving venustus...

Propers my friend :D
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Dammn you chris! Those Wroughts are so sick man, not to mention all the others... I don't know of any others keeping a thriving venustus...

Propers my friend :D

You can say that again :thumbsup:
Dammn you chris! Those Wroughts are so sick man, not to mention all the others... I don't know of any others keeping a thriving venustus...

Propers my friend :D
Ian - just imagine if I could keep some damn corals with this selection??? Now that would be awesome!

The Venustus is an awesome angel. The picture somewhat shows his coloration, but in person this fish is a treat to watch...he hangs upside down all day long till I come in the room and he darts to the top to get in line for food...unfortunately he is low man on the pole as the conspic and the bandit have officially taken over...

You can say that again :thumbsup:

He was shooting you a "Mark" gang sign...

Holy F-in' Spit Chris! :thumbsup:

There's my trio of Wroughts! :D
Thanks Austin! they are fun fish for sure...

Incredible Chris!!!

And great shots!
Thanks Ryan...

Your tank is going to rock! I especially like the Wrought Irons ;)
Thanks Greg!

WOW!! What a selection of fishes Chris. Nicely done!!

Thanks Skip!
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