How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

without turning this in to a debate, who knows how the government works.

PS, anyone have some extra filters for a spectra pure 5 stage system, mines done, and I hate to give up and start using tap water for top off./

Someone must have some filters for ya K :bounce3:
Seriously no bites on that thing… I don’t have the room right now but maybe when I get back stateside I could turn my garage into a fish room.

I still get a little tickle when I think about how you couldn’t get the tank into your house so you turned the garage into a fish room.
nothing over what I paid for just the lights.

And typical, I was responsible in my life so I am not eligible for much of anything resembling help unless SSDI comes through, about a year from now.
wow, sad to hear you're tearing down the tank, but a least your alive

Toyed with actually giving everything alive in the tank away, but finding someone willing to commit to tearing down the tank to catch everything (right down to the shrimp and snails) and already having a large enough cycled tank up and running that can handle that many fish is almost just as daunting. The only non chain fish store in the area isn't even up to it.
Maybe some public aquarium?

Don't read too much into all the stories you hear about people having to fight for years to get their social security disability benefits.....

I applied because of my heart condition and received my first check in less than two months from the date of my application.....

Now if i could just get a heart transplant that easy.....

I know some great doctors for that sort of thing.... put me back together 3 times already. We shall see if any of this goes through. I know Tink took almost 3 years, and had other friends dragged almost as long.

The big catch I'm facing is because I was silly, planned for the future and have retirement accounts and more than 1 car, I am not eligible for just about anything in between
K, how is the tank? Did you get the spectra pure filters? Every time I read a big tank thread I think of you and wish I had the walnuts that you have for taking on that beast. Hang in there my friend.
Tank is doing OK... I even got to spend some money on it after selling some junk (I finally have time to clean out my shop and yes, I'm going very slowly and have someone helping me usually). I finally cleaned the walls so I could see in there, and unclogged all the powerheads. Except for a missing neon basselet (which I never saw more than once a month anyway) I believe the fish are doing quite well. New flow knocked out the cyno and I'm actually suspecting the Emerald crabs have spawned. I saw a couple that are way smaller than any of the ones I put in almost a year ago. Still need filters for the RODI, but light and more salt was higher on the list. Need to make sure all the important bills are covered first. Still need to tear apart the skimmer pumps and figure out why 2 of the pumps are out, but its limping along well enough on the other 2. Also ordered a new test kit as the readings I got (with the first test in months) were worse than when I was cycling and I don't think I would have thriving inverts and starfish if that was the case.

Also thinking of redoing my sump a bit and putting the cat sharks in the main tank... still undecieded on that.

right after cleaning... most the fish were sketched.


The rebirth of a reef tank! I like it. Keep taking it slow and keep playing with it, you'll have it back to prime in no time. Get that skimmer going 100% again and things should start to look good again.
So what about turning the tank into a shark tank with just a few corals and inverts to make it interesting but still making the shark the focus?
no one else had the guts to take it on, so I guess I get to keep it.

Tonight I'm hoping to actually clean my skimmer... joys.
Talk about a run of bad luck. Bro Im so glad your back and still kicking.....take it slow then re-join the Rocketts lol. Ive always heard bad luck comes in 3s so now hopefully its time for some good luck. wishing you and Tink the best of luck and health from here on out.
BTW read this complete thread in one setting i laghed i cried and prayed
man if i was five years older and done with school i would help take it off your hands

too bad i dont live near, id surely help you out
i laghed i cried and prayed

I too just came across this thread. Didn't manage to read it in one sitting, but in between teaching my chemistry classes and life in general finished it in 2 days.

Glad you are home, and doing better. Things have got to start taking a positive turn for you. Positive thoughts for you and Tink.