How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

sorry im drunk and cant navigate back to previous pages but, how many mangrove plants are you going to run? I found a lead on them for about $1 per plant and am going to setup a mangrove swamp in a 150gal rubbermaid that i have leftover from my fw days when breeding discus.
Check ebay, I think I paid like $7 for 20 with shipping. I'm working on drunk as well so don't mind me. I have 40+ mangroves, but I don't know if all of them will make it. Its been a rough month for them. My goal is they grow out is to trade decent sized trees for frags and the like Keeping them in pots in the 240.

It took a cherry picker to do it, but it is in place and filling as we speak. Hopefully this time tommorow it will have rock and sand. the section on the left is where I am going to grow cheato all by itself..



Then I got the stand for the 300 in... only took a little wall modification....


hang on little guys.... 1 more day.


My comfy leopard print chair where I get to enjoy all of this someday...


Random FTS of the tank that really needs a good cleaning again..

sorry im drunk and cant navigate back to previous pages but, how many mangrove plants are you going to run? I found a lead on them for about $1 per plant and am going to setup a mangrove swamp in a 150gal rubbermaid that i have leftover from my fw days when breeding discus.

I didn't realize you had the discus addiction once as well. I used to breed them when I first got this house. Running 15 10 gallon tanks as well as a 90, 2 125's a 180 and a 300 is a PITA. after that 4 saltwater tanks all on the same sump should be cake.
yeah i had 14-20 gallon sumps on a constant water change system using an rodi system, clay pots and all of that crap. had 6 pairs of jack wattley discus breeding but there asnt any money in it so i gave them all away, i also had 3-29's, 3-30's, 9-10 gallons, a 150 and 3-100 galln rubbermaid tubs all running, what a nightmare that was, it was way out of hand. The most i ever made was from an lfs that bought 10 of them for $50, not alot of money considering my water bill was $250 a month and electric was about $400 from running 30+ heaters etc... my prized tank was my 300 gallon planted tank with 20 discus, a shoal of cardinal tetras, german blue rams, bolivian gold rams.... a MATED PAIR of zebra plecos that i LOVED, then i came home one day and one of the end caps for my overdrien t8's came loose and fell in the tank and fried everything in the tank, every fish was dead and floating....... that pair of zebra plecos were worth at least $2000.... sa day that was....
yes, now get over there and sit on it... and you will stay on it with only a coffee at 11. Now confess...

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yes, now get over there and sit on it... and you will stay on it with only a coffee at 11. Now confess...

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Morning, Kev!:lmao:
The actual breakdown of the system isn't particulary planned out, I just sort of wing it as I go along. The intention is to create as close to a complete ecosystem as one can in one room to mimic the ocean. One of these days I might even rig up tides. I do have a plan for that......

The new tank I'm building the stand for is for a mangrove swamp/planted tank This is natures natural way of breaking down waste. I consider the skimmer the action of the waves and wind (foamy yuck on the beach and oxegon) The main tank is the reef and well, the most fun to watch. The 300 gallon sump is the cryptic zone for all the neat little critters and sponges that do whatever it is they do down there in the dark. There are lots of neat things growing there so something must like it. and the other 300 is most likely be a predator/nem tank and have a nice place for my frag racks. I have a snowflake Eel in the sump that will move in there, and I'd like the kind of 'nem that most people can't have in a full blown reef, and most likely throw in a few various unwanted fish as they come up. I also really want a clown trigger...

as for tides/open water. I do have a hair brained idea for that, but thats a few projects down the list.

I think that about sums up my madness so far...

i really cant wait to see this 2 years from now.
well we started plumbing and filling today....

filling/ adding sand went ok..


The plumbing not so well. I had everything all planned out (LOL) but no... the tape measure lied... I needed 1/4" more to tighten the bulkhead....



after some ranting, swearing, a beer and a smoke, I did the only rational solution to the problem...

the heck with the wall...


easy access...


underneath the stand...


and in to the sump...


I had the cryptic zone light on so I could see what I was doing.... feather dusters anyone...



leak test is tommorrow...........

until then have a cute ferret pic.

you never really needed that section of wall. what good was it doing, anyway, right?

ps. what's the list on the wall behind the ferret?
you never really needed that section of wall. what good was it doing, anyway, right?

ps. what's the list on the wall behind the ferret?

A list Tink drew up of my basic requirements. she likes to write on walls. 1/2 the house is like that. The rest I painted black.

and whats a load bearing 2x6 between friends, I'll patch it up tommorow after the leak test. Leaving nice access for the (*^#*%#%# bulkheads.

Dang I hate those things.
Just subscribed and skimmed through. I like what your doing with everything and admire the natural approach in this hobby.

What I'm really curious about is your "cryptic zone", couldn't find to much in the thread about it, I missed it somewhere in the 100+ pages. Can you brush me up on what's going on in there or do you remember where it is in your thread?
Theres several threads on it. Basically its a place where little or no light gets to. I therorize that its and important part of the reef for breaking down waste and other yuck. Amazing how full of life it gets down there
Now we're talkin'! Back to demolition! Who else would tear down a wall to tighten up a bulkhead?

You know, I used to have a 200 in my not so big living room. My girlfriend managed to convince me that we needed furniture instead. So, the tank got sold and we bought a second sofa. I got tired of not having a tank, so I got a 75. I lost that tank when my town got hit by a 2 week long hurricane induced power outage. So, I got a 140. Now I am thinking I had it right all along. Who needs furniture? You have me thinking my 140 will make a nice sump. LOL!
one chair to sit in and enjoy.... what else do ya need.

I do have couches, but one is covered in future projects and the other one the dogs sleep on.

and I just made a little hole. I was not moving that tank again.
LOL... this is ripping down a wall when it gets in my way...


or having to put it back up after you get your fish tank in the room its going...


If I ever get my fish room sorted out, My kitchen is next.... you haven't seen destruction yet. Just about every wall needs to come out.
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