How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

I tend not to post often in forums. But this was a thread I followed from day 1. I am so saddened to hear this news. He seemed like one of a kind who probably lived far more in his short life than most of us do in ours. Beautiful tribute, peace be with you.

I have followed this thread, and read every single post, since the beginning. I never had the honor of meeting Kevin, but I certainly felt like I knew him. Quite frankly - better than many I have met.

My heart goes out to you, the critters, and his entire family.

RIP Kevin - you have certainly earned it.
....this was the first and I think the only thread I've ever subscribed too. Not what i was expecting to see....


Thanks for your wit, humor, and passion for the hobby. You will be sorely missed on this board, I can only assume that is magnified many times over to those lucky enough to know you in person.


Take care of yourself, you are a special person for everything you've done with and for Kevin. It feels good to know folks like you are out in the world.

Tink so sorry for your loss. Kevin will be missed by us all. Thank you for taking the time to let us all know. I'm sure he will be building that huge reef tank of his dreams in Heaven.


I haven't been here in a very long time I must have felt a disturbance in the force. Tink hang in there kiddo he is in a much better place. He will truly be missed.
This was very sad to hear, he was a great member of the community. My greatest condolences go out to you, his family, and friends
Followed this thread from almost day 1. I don't think I have shed a tear before for someone I never met but I did this time. The video tribute was closure for me. Thank you Kevin (wherever you are) and Tink... best wishes to you!
Spooky. I've been off RC for about a year due to, well, life. But for some reason I had to log on and check up on Kevin. RIP my friend. Tink, my condolences on your loss.