Acros & Wrasses
Josh,is that a pink lemonade on top of that acro island?
It is, unfortunately right now it's mostly just lemonade... maybe a bad batch at that.

Ok so little story.
As I was acclimating the anemone to the tank and giving it time to get its foot secure onto a small plate I put on my sand bed, I noticed some transparent slime coming from the tentacles; not from the mouth, which is a normal stress response. I siphoned what I saw with a turkey baster and went back to getting the anemone situated and the flow back online, when you have a freshly shipped anemone like the one I purchased it can take a while for it to attach. It probably took 2 hours before I had the flow back up to a respectable amount, sometime during this time I believe more of this slime may have been released and got caught in the center of the pink lemonade. Later that night I noticed the pink lemonade sliming more than normal which at first, I figured wasn't a big deal, but as I inspected things further I distinctly saw the center of the pink lemonade being more of a beige coloration, polyps, skin and all; the tips also had this weird texture to them, like they were fuzzy and mesenterial filaments were sticking out. It was a stress response that I've not encountered before. You can imagine that I thought of worst case scenarios that entire night and hated myself.
I believe it was caused by the transparent slime coming from the magnifica, and I believe that the slime was a nematocyst response from stress. I don't think the nematocysts were at full strength, sick anemones I imagine don't have very strong nematocysts which is why they often aren't very sticky when you receive them. For over a week the PE on the pink lemonade was lackluster, but no STN occurred and it's making a full recovery right now. I am starting to see color return, the yellow is coming back in the center and I can only imagine the pink will be soon to follow; right now as I look at it, it has the most PE I've ever seen at night. I'm very optimistic about a quick recovery and getting it back to how it used to look. Here's a top down photo of it a couple weeks before the anemone mishap. The pink lemonade was the only acro affected from this event, the rest were already ticked off from other issues like me reaquascaping.