Scrapz's Ultimate Gamble 3x3 SPS Cube

sucks to be losing corals. Let me know if you need any help. Maybe calcium reactor might be needed in the long run to sustain the cal/alk levels.
Hey sahin, real life too over and the tank starte to go downhill. During that time I ordered a 96x30x24 from a local vendor which suppose to arrive in 2 months to allow me to reset the whole system. That turned into four months, then 6 months and I lost 90% of my coral. At that point, I just gave up and amex is dealing with getting my money back.
Good thing I backups everywherr:)

Very sorry about that problems and losing so many corals.

I hope the above means you'll be back with a tank.

Why not get something in the 120G range and treat us to a nice sps display?