Scrapz's Ultimate Gamble 3x3 SPS Cube

A 5D mark 2 /w a 24-105mm L lens, too poor to buy a macro lens. I need to get a tripod next, my hands are too shaky.
Holy smokes! Nice gear!
Yup.. You won't be able to put the lens on the glass unles you are shooting farther back in the tank.. You'll need a tripod. That lens doesn't get extremely close for focusing.
I have that lens, (4) it'll take nice top downs.. Is the lens the 4 or 2.4?
You can raise the iso to probably 1000 with that camera and still get really nice clarity.
It will allow you to shoot at higher shutter speeds.
Wow didn't realize it's been a month since I last updated. I've been occupied with doing house work. Sorry no pics taken really during this time.

A quick recap of the past month.

Week of Jan 11 -
Got bored of my T5s and wanted to fiddle a bit with different lighting options in my QT system. Mounted my Lumenbright Minis 16" above the water line paired with a Galaxy 250w Radium bulb. I ran this setup for about a week and saw slightly deeper color in a few corals while others slightly browned out.

Week of Jan 18 -
The main display had a slight hair algae bloom so I decided to order a CUC from an online vendor. The pack included 60x nassarius, 10x turbos and 20 other misc snails. When these things showed up 2 weeks later, they were the tiniest snails I'd ever seen.:facepalm: . On top of that, they all died and I had an even more massive algae problem:lolspin:

On the frag tank side, I genuinely dislike the color of my 250w radiums so I slapped on a 400w. I kid you not, within 24 hrs even single one of my corals dropped a huge encrusting ring at their base, it basically just splooged all over the place. Over the next week, growth and color continued to be excellent.

Week of Jan 25 -

My corals in QT are doing the best they've been, color is on point so I prep em for the move over to my display. Since I didn't finish my full 8 weeks of QT yet, I decided to just frag a good portion off the plugs and leave the bases in my QT for a few weeks longer.

My CUC order arrived this week as noted above and I placed them into my display, all the snails died. Most of my corals browned out from nutrient problems.. :facepalm:

This Week -
Got a new CUC locally and they are mowing away at the jungle located in my tank. Both tanks aren't doing the best atm since I've split the equipment between both systems. Anyways hoping to move everything over in the next 2 weeks and get everything back on point.

Oh yeah, my new friend wanted to say hi.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Buddy helped me pick up a healthy juvi 3" Achillles. I was stoked to get it! In my reefing career, I have have never owned this fish for some reason. It was a bit shy on the first day but instantly took pellets, mysis after settling in. Going to leave him there for a few weeks to fatten him up as he'll be going into the main against a very territorial yellow tang. Fingers crossed and looks like a upgrade will be mandatory in the next 2 years.:dance:
Congratulations with the Achilles! I have tried two now without luck:rolleye1:

Nice photos and I am looking forward to see more Acropora photos! Will definetly follow this thread.
i see cyano

Here's a pic from a week ago, it's only gotten worse..

Just part of the natural cycle of a tank. I love your rock work though, it is awesome.



Yup. I think it's a combination of the snails dying, changing like 90G of water with 1-2 TDS water and really heavy feeding from the ich. I've added about 20 turbo snails and they are slowly taking care of the hair algae. Th Anyways the corals are all coloring up and doing well. Just need to go pick up the photobox from s2k so I can update with some new photos.
Its hard to hold out while the cyano is destroying the looks of your tank, but as you said, it will clear up once everything stabilizes. You wouldn't believe how much I had covering the starboard bottom of the SPS reef. It took a month to go away.
My tank has been riddled with nit/phos/algae etc for way too long so I did something most people would think is crazy. I moved in most of my acros from my QT to help compensate for the elevated nutrient levels.

Crappy cell phone vid:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dont think you guys can notice in the the video but most of the SPS that were introduced into the system early on have grown and are slowly improving in color.

Added another 30 mexican turbo snails to the tank so hopefully everything will be cleaned up in the next 2 weeks. Can't wait to show you guys my latest additions in the next post.
That stuff will go away soon enough mate, doing what you're doing and not freaking out is the best approach. :)
I like the video, snails are awesome and will self regulate their numbers.
Yep.. Looks like a new tank to me..
Some of those frags are glowing!!
Looking forward to some shots.
Top downs, I hope!! They'll look great.
Got a topdown box from s2k (thanks!) so here are some quick pics from my cellphone.


One of the first corals placed into the tank, colors are improving daily on this. Still one of my faves. The frag on the bottom is Paletta's Pink Tip staghorn which I received pretty much competely white. It's gotten most of it's skin back


Ora Frogskin. Pics don't seem accurate at all. In person, it's a bright neon green like seen in the youtube video. Oh well.



These two frags have been covered with hair algae and dino for weeks! I'm suprised they have kept their color in those conditions. The AquaSD Rainbow base is completely ****ed off, need some snail love asap. The Purple Monster on the other hand was completely cleaned once the snails were introduced. They must have known to take care of my preciousssssss.......



Best blue acro hands down, the Oregon Tort! Doesn't look as awesome from the side but it'll get there..


The bling $$$$. Reef Raft Crazy T Monti. :crazy1:
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