The Bubble-Magus Club

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Heres my NAC6a skimmate.


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Bubble Magus for larger tank

Bubble Magus for larger tank

I am looking to overskim my heavily stocked 180 Gallon (about 200 gallon total with displacement). Has anyone had any experience with the bigger skimmers and if so, what do you recommend?
I got the NAC5e in on Saturday and was intially very impressed with the quality. Though because of the design you have to be very carefull when putting on the pump. The threaded adapter that's glued into the skimmed body snapped off on me. Tom Tran of socaltropicalfishoutlet has been incredible to work with and is sending me a new body. I will get some pictures up later when I get everything together.

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O M G....Just got my 180 cone skimmer today, did not know a pump could be dead silent. wow. Already skimming, super stoked, taking pics will add in a couple of days
I got the replacement body in today from Tom Tran @socaltropicalfishoutlet and put it together a lot more gently this time knowing the frailty of that piece the pump screws onto.


The NAC5E is bigger then I thought it was going to be based on the pictures online. It is also not blue and red which is okay by me. It's bigger then both the Super skimmer 65 and the e-shops psk100h. It should be a good match for a 40-90g tank based on the pump rating and the size of the skimmer's body but we'll see.

I started up NAC5e last night and we'll see how long it takes to break in. It's pretty quiet. Maybe slighty louder then the psk100h which is the quietest skimmer I've used so far. But it is just breaking in so I'm pretty impressed with that. I have it wide open right now and it's just pooring into the collection cup. So, it's a real nice thing there's a drain already plumbed in. I have it going right back in the tank right now.
I have my NAC7 running for about 5 days now but I still have trouble dialing it in. I have the setting at about 3.2 but sometime I don't get any skimmate in 3 hours but at another time I get almost 500ml of very light color skimmate in 30 min. The skimmer sits in about 10.5" of water and I only feed my fish once a day. The fluctuation in volume of skimmate makes me worry about leaving the house for too long. Any suggestion?
I'll ask the simple questions since I have no idea. My 7 is fine. Is the water height constant? Is the additional skiiming the same time everyday? After feeding or some other maintenance?
Mine arrived last week. I am very impressed with the build quality. It was very easy to put together and everything fit well, no complaints. It was just fisically bigger than I imagined it to be, but that is good. Here is a pic:

Hey guys I have the nac6 on my 72g sps tank and am very pleased. Does anyone here have any experience with the nac77 cone skimmer. I'm thinking of ordering for my 300g mixed reef but think it may be a little under powered. Its rated 210g to 315g but my total water volume is around 380g not counting displacement from the 300lbs of live rock. If anyone has any experience I,d appreciate the feedback.
I'll ask the simple questions since I have no idea. My 7 is fine. Is the water height constant? Is the additional skiiming the same time everyday? After feeding or some other maintenance?

The water level in the sump is pretty consistent but I have been dosing AlgaeFix and manually pulling GHA out. May be the frequent disturbances of the tank cause the skimmer to react erratically. I will wait for the system to stablize and see if the skimmer will have more consistent output. Thanks for your help!
What size is the tank that its skimming?

Its on my 150 cube. I since had to drop the water level to 8 1/2 inches so I could control the skim. At manufacturer recomended level it would only pull very wet skim.

I love this skimmer though. So much nicer than my old Reef Octo NWB 200. Dead silent. Better production.

I will post new pics tonight
The setting on the NAC7 is somewhat counter-intuitive. If I want to have more skimmate production (ie wet) I turn the dial toward "Off". If I want more dry skimming (ie less skimmate), I turn the dial toward "Max". So what do the "Off" and "Max" settings indicate? Volume of water going thru the skimmer?
So this is 3-4 days of the BM 180 Cone Skimmer now that I got it dialed in...the skimmate is much darker now that I dropped the water level


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