How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

wow 300 gallons a day, you could start selling r.o. water now.......... get a big barrel for the back of your truck and have an ro delivery service and water change service....

LOL, thats not actually a bad Idea. I have a 1/2 dozen food grade barrels kicking around. Been trying to figure out how this hobby could at least cover my electric bill. What do LFS people usually pay?
DIdn't get much of anything done today, but I did get my new toy...

No more waiting a week to fill up a tank for me... 300 gpd

Thanks, Kevin. Now I gotta buy one!:beer:
LOL... can never have to many toys. Though I have already blown my entire summer reefing budget and its not even summer yet.
LOL, thats not actually a bad Idea. I have a 1/2 dozen food grade barrels kicking around. Been trying to figure out how this hobby could at least cover my electric bill. What do LFS people usually pay?

my lfs charges 50 cents a gallon for rodi water and $1.00 per gallon for mixed saltwater, but theres a couple places in town that do water changes for $1.50-$2.00 per gallon delivered, and also $.85 per gallon ro delivered, wouldnt be too bad if you could sell 9000 gallons per month lol, i actually have sold ro water pretty easily but i shouldnt be, i have a rental rodi setup from a local water company, all i pay is $18 a month and they do all the upkeep/changing filters etc when it gets over 0 tds, only thing i have to pay is refilling the di resin, the di container is the size of the old pop kegs and is plastic, holds around 10lbs of di resin and charge me $65 to change it, before rodi my water reads about 330ppm and have ran about 2000 gallons through it and still reads 0 on the inline and hand held tds meter and have not changed any cartridges yet. I say go for it, couldnt hurt anything, only thing, do you have well or city water? hard water might make it costly to change cartridges all of the time, youd have to find out how long they last to figure if it would be worth it.
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Water is pretty good here. TDS is usually low 100's before I filter and really most of that is just disolved limestone anyway. Little bit from farm run off as well I assume. They get the water from the river near my house and most of the year it was part of the glacier on mt Baker several hours before. When I ran my cichlid tanks I just ran a hose right in to the tank for water changes. About 7.4 PH out of the tap. Didn't even need dechlorinator.
much digging in the sand this evening. got 2-300 pounds out I'd guess. another 700 to go.

Anyone want some live sand...LOL


Skimmer was very excited as well. In fact a little too excited

also got a little closer to actually starting the mangrove swamp. Theres 30 or so mangrove starts, and about 300 pounds of sand in there (had to put it somewhere right)

Too bad you weren't closer, I need some sand. :lol: Looks good, the mangrove swamp will look cool once it's all grown out and everything.
Khaos just read this whole thread, you are a great man, and you'll be a even greater father I'm sure when the time comes. You have a lot of fight in you, and I understand your drive as I am the same way...I love seeing the progress you are making now that you have recovered some. Keep it up man your an inspiration to us all!
I don't think I'll ever be a father to anything that isn't kept in a box of water, or has 4 feet and fur. I'm barely responsible enough to have dogs let alone actually spawn.

Not to mention I had that feature disconnected when I was 23
I don't think I'll ever be a father to anything that isn't kept in a box of water, or has 4 feet and fur. I'm barely responsible enough to have dogs let alone actually spawn.

Not to mention I had that feature disconnected when I was 23

Well then put that husbandry to good use for your animals!!!
LOL, that I do. Someday I might even figure out how to take care of me... For now thats Tinks Job

On the lighter side, despite all the dire warnings I've always heard about messing with a deep sand bed, the tank looks great this morning. I suspect alot of the reason is that my tankg loves to pull powerheads off the walls and messes the sand up all the time anyway. Little dusty but all the corals are more open than I've ever seen. Fish and everything else is picking around all the rock I pulled out of the way. With any luck I might even get some rock in today if I can figure out where I'm going to store 1000 pounds of sand until I get this other tank up and running.

Suppose that means I should actually do something with it today...LOl.
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The problem is volume and keeping it even close to alive. Alot is going to go in a couple of brute cans as I dig it out and have a powerhead on it.
Here in south Florida it's usually 1$ for mixed. I pay .45 for RO/DI. I think you should go for it!

Our local maintenance guy keeps 220 gallons on hand at his house. He delivers RO/DI for .25 and SW for $1.00 a gallon plus $20 delivery fee.
At those prices I'm not sure I could make much of a profit when you figure in cartridges and fuel costs of living in the middle of nowhere. May keep it in mind though.

back to your irregularily unscheduled program.

Washington was having some very strange weather today so I deceided that today was a fine day to start to play with the 240.

Weird blue tint to the sky and no clouds or rain. Bizarre weather.


here are the implements of construction...


In case you wondered how much of a solvent weld on 3 is. I spilled a little on the insualtion I was working on. this didn't tank much..


First thing I did after cleaning it up a bit was to attack the bad patch job with weld on 16. I used enough to cover the bottom of the patch and the black backround sheet and bring it up to the level of the 1/2" acryilic back piece.


after I was sure there was enough, I went at the back with a block sander to make the area around the hole was smooth and free of yucks. And the glue I spilled on the edge of the first pass... I also cat up some 3/8" acrylic that I had kicking around for a second patch.


I then liberally globbed more weld on 16 on the edge of the hole and pressed down on the scrap pieces. Convenient bricks held everything in place nice and tight.


Then I filled the edges of the patch with weld on 3. Spilling it as well. Amazing how well it makes scratches disapear. You can see where I took sand paper to it and where it started to fill the scratches..
