How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

Well... its officially been 1 year since this fiasco started. acclimating some more zoas that I picked up yesterday and brainstorming how to get a tank out of my truck.

This also showed up yesterday.... bye bye sand bed soon to be replaced with 200 pounds of 'nano sized' marco rock...

also still redoing the wiring on the tank... see if I can make it less o f a fire hazard than your average meth cookers kitchen

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

still a mess behind the tank though

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
cleaning my tank is on my list today. I'll try and get some pics I also need to finish mudding that dang wall I keep putting off. I hate drywall
I went and got a 240 that was supposed to be in great shape. Turned out it was a mess, but I talked the guy down to pretty cheap and ended up bringing it home anyway. Drove all the way to portland for the POS. It has a badly patched closed loop and some other stuff to deal with. not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.
no pics, but how about a movie. My hands are kinda shaky and the dang sailfin kept getting in the way at the beginning...

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I just cleaned the skimmer before cleaning the glass too....

well, I'm going to change up this thread for a bit because, well its my thread and I can do that. I'll still post pics of anything fun I do to my tank if sonething interesting comes up. I'm almost done with the hood mods, and the vent is finally in. dropped the tank about a degree or so during the day. Thought I wasn't supposed to have that problem with T-5's although I hate to think what I would be going through with 6 400 watt bulbs over that thing.

Anyway, we are moving on to how not to build a 240 gallon planted tank for a bit. This will be part of my system, and I'm actually hoping to take my shimmer offline when this is running well.

First thing not to do is on a whim and not enough pics, drive 300 miles down to portland on a 'great deal' on a 8x2x2 tank without getting enough pics. After getting there find out that the tank is a mess. Get it anyway....

So for the first part of the build, I'm going to teach myself how to rehabilitate a tank. I ordered some weld on 3 and 16. worry about polishing up the tank later. I'm open to most suggestions and advice. Fortunetly, I can move the tank around in my shop pretty easily and do most of the work sitting down.

tank is pretty tired.


and was weird repairs.



the worst however is that it has a badly patched formerly closed loop on it that leaks


we'll have to see whats under this mess.


overall, I think I can save it. even has a nice place for me to play with algea trays.


started cleaning and poking around. I also really need to finish that stupid wall in my fish room. More to come...
The small marco rocks is a great idea. You'll need to make sure you have plenty of flow across the bottom though or it'll accumulate alot of detritus.
goin big or goin home.......... classic khaosinc!

actually, I'm getting back on track with the original plans of this system. I'm hoping to get to the point that I am running an intirely natural biological system and a huge planted 'fuge' should be a pretty big help with that. at the moment I'm still using the euro reef skimmer that pulls as many watts as some of my light fixtures though.

The small marco rocks is a great idea. You'll need to make sure you have plenty of flow across the bottom though or it'll accumulate alot of detritus.

Flow shouldn't be much of an issue anywhere in that tank, I have 65 magnum 8's and 3-4 (can't recall which) korilla 4s in the tank. There will be an inch or so left in the tank to hold everything in place and give those annoying little worms something to rummage around in. I also intend to have a couple localized deeper areas so the wrass and anyone else who has a need can bury themselves in it. depending on my mood I might cut down a couple of buckets and start on them tonight.

so did you replace the sand with the marco rock so you can use the sand in your planted tank?


yes and no. Mostly I want to get the sand out of there so I can stop being paranoid of having the magnet cleaner within 6" of the sand bed. I will however be using it in the planted tank. I have a bunch on mangroves en route which will temporarily be housed in the 100 gallon tub. The sand will be in there for the time being. The sailfin has an annoying habit of pulling the powerheads off the wall trying eat little bits of fuzz on them, so I'm not worried about much being built up in the sand.
had a little other fun tonight.. I do still hate doing drywall. That is an under appreciated art for those that are really good at it. I did it some in college as a side job, but that was a long time ago....


also put a temporary frag rack in the tank so I have a place to grow in some of the frags I get until I figure out where I'm going to put them...


I don't know why, but seeing this side gives me a huge urge to put up a 'silver dollar saloon' sign over the doorway. I figured I'd leave access to hungery crabs if any bits of yuck fall down there.


Back to the new project. I did some exploritory surgery with a razor knife, screwdriver then finally a wire wheel on a dremmel and got all the silicone out of the one hole.


I sanded everything down with just some 150 grit sandpaper to have a smooth surface to glue to. not near as sanded as it looks in the pic, I was using the flash on the camera


I kinda like the internal overflow deal. be a nice place to try out those algea trays.


the front is actually in fairly good shape. As soon as I get motivated I'm going to take some cleaner and one of those mr clean magic erasers to the tank and see what it looks like. I still haven't figured out where I put my novus kits. I know I have at least 2 of them around here.

Nice new video of the tank. I didn't see those ugly catfish/sharks - didn't you have those in the tank at one point? Have they been removed? If so, good. I never liked the look of them in a reeftank like yours anyway. The featherduster beach you've got going is great. That Sailfin is a superstar too.