NOW IN STOCK: AquaMaxx ConeS CO-2 and CO-3 Protein Skimmers

Hi Miller_Time,

Since the skimmer is breaking in, we wouldn't worry about it. It is not unusual for the skimmer to behave erratically during break-in. Make sure the outlet pipe is fully open and leave the collection cup drain open as well and allow the water collected to go back into your sump.

What type of dry-rock was used? If it is a natural liverock that is dried (such as Pukani, Fiji and others), there is likely a dried up organics that is currently breaking down and causing an increase in viscosity. Additionally, if you are using any water conditioner or bacterial supplement, it may also be the reason of the overflowing.

Just a couple of tips that may help explain what is happening.
Hi Miller_Time,

Since the skimmer is breaking in, we wouldn't worry about it. It is not unusual for the skimmer to behave erratically during break-in. Make sure the outlet pipe is fully open and leave the collection cup drain open as well and allow the water collected to go back into your sump.

What type of dry-rock was used? If it is a natural liverock that is dried (such as Pukani, Fiji and others), there is likely a dried up organics that is currently breaking down and causing an increase in viscosity. Additionally, if you are using any water conditioner or bacterial supplement, it may also be the reason of the overflowing.

Just a couple of tips that may help explain what is happening.

I have the outlet pipe wide open and the drain has been open since day one, it'll fill the cup in about 15 secs.

I'm using Marco's Rock and sand, along with their mortar. I did use some prime because I couldn't get all of the tap water out of the sand from washing it. But I chose Prime because it claims it won't aggravate the skimmer.

Here a pic, its been pouring out like this since Tuesday and still going strong!

Hi Miller_time,

Thanks for the info. The motar will cause the skimmer to overfoam. A couple of large water changes and activated carbon should correct the issue.
Is the CO-3 enough skimmer for a well stocked 250 G FOWLR (with some noxious softies)?

I am currently running a Skimz 251 skimmer, and the impellers fail after about 6 months. I have gone through over eight impellers in the last two years.
NOW IN STOCK: AquaMaxx ConeS CO-2 and CO-3 Protein Skimmers

Is the CO-3 enough skimmer for a well stocked 250 G FOWLR (with some noxious softies)?

I am currently running a Skimz 251 skimmer, and the impellers fail after about 6 months. I have gone through over eight impellers in the last two years.

Most definitely, the CO-3 will handle a 250 gallon aquarium without a problem.
skimmer recommendation

skimmer recommendation

I have a 90 gallon display, 55 gallon fug, 75 gallon sump ( a little over half full ). not fully stocked yet but probably will be heavy, mixed reef but mostly LPS. looking at the con vs the Ecomax, sump is in a open room so space is not an issue. what would you recommend?
Hi Chrisryherd, if space is not an issue, we would recommend the ConeS. The larger reaction chamber and the cone diffusers help to maximize performance. Additionally, as the pumps for the ConeS-Series are on the outside, they are also much easier to access and clean.
my co-2 pump and bracket are making noise, it seems to be the bracket needs a tic of tension to be silent. i asked here and this was the response
“I'm pretty sure there is supposed to be an hour glass looking piece of acrylic with a screw that is now included with the external coneS series. I believe that goes horizontal between the two vertical pump plates to minimize vibration.”

am i missing a piece or just how to attach the pump to the bracket.
any help would we great, thanks!!
Hi JS_racer,

most of the vibration is absorbed by the rubber feet and the silicone tubing between the pump to the skimmer body. The hourglass piece is something new that AquaMaxx recently started including and does help to hold the pump in place. It does help to hold the pump more securely: however, it is more a stability piece than a noise-reducing piece.

If you purchase the skimmer from us recently, please call or email our customer service team and we should be able to hunt one down for you or special-order that piece for you.
I just installed a ConeS C03. It's very quiet. I have it set at 10" depth and any adjustment to the outlet pipe won't seem to lower the bubble level- bubbles are breaking just at the top of collection cup. It's skimming very wet (light tea color). Let me know if the sump needs to be at a lower level or the skimmer needs time to break in.
Congrats on the new skimmer! During break in, it's not unusual for the skimmer to skim wet or even overfoam. Simply let the skimmer drain back into your sump for the first couple of weeks.

The more viscous (thick) your water, the more the skimmer will foam. If the skimmer is still skimming very wet after 2 weeks, we would recommending doing a water change and running activated carbon to help thin out the water. Let the skimmer run for another week or so.

If it continues to skim very wet after the water change and running activated carbon, it is an indication that your water is fairly thick. We would then recommend raising the skimmer to an 8" or 9" water level at that time.
Thanks for the recommendation. The skimmer seems to be dialed in now after I lowered the level to 8.5" from 10". It skims less wet where the bubbles are breaking just at the base of the neck area.


Thanks for the recommendation. The skimmer seems to be dialed in now after I lowered the level to 8.5" from 10". It skims less wet where the bubbles are breaking just at the base of the neck area.

Excellent! Please let us know if you need further assistance. :celeb3:
Hi Karsco,

It depends on the bioload. If is a moderately loaded mixed reef, then the CO-3 should work nicely. However, if you have a heavy fish bioload and/or you are looking to keep nutrients as low as possible for stony corals, then you would be better off with the larger Cone-5.
Hello, I was wondering if you guys are having any sale on the cones-03? I could either hold out till June and purchase the JNS from Big Al's for $100 less or see if you could offer a discount. Please let me know as I would like to order this today. Some people are actually stating that I should go with the 03 and I just wanted to confirm. I have a 120g w/40b sump. I will be setting it up as an lps/sps tank some fish with medium and possibly could be heavy bioload. What are your recommendations.. Thank you for your time
Hi miceilo719,

Thanks for your inquiry. For a 120G, we would recommend the CO-2. Drastically over-sizing a skimmer sometimes can have negative effects as there may not be enough protein to produce enough foam for the larger neck size.

Please do note that JNS skimmers are international models and do not have warranties in the US. Additionally, you don't get the wonderful support (pre-purchase, post-purchase, technical, warranty) that you would get if you purchase from us. With your purchase, you also get free shipping and also our super-limited, special-edition Pistol Shrimp MarineDepot t-shirt :beer:
