Ok, I'll bite.
From the scenario you set for the dosing pump, it's seems that it's mainly user error. You were running fluids through your lines and forgot to shut it off and were reminded by your APEX since your PH was out of wack. By taking the time to manually hold the on button for your doser and making sure the lines were full of fluid and shutting it off, that scenario could have been adverted. Instead you chose to run the pump automatically and begin fiddling(hypothetical) with other things before 1 task was complete and forgot about the doser. Another way this could be adverted is having your doser hooked up to a PH controller which would shut off the dosers if the PH raised past a certain level.
For the heater scenario, why would a person trust their tank to 1 heater? My ranco simply turns on and off the temp but I go beyond that. I personally run 3-4 heaters in my tank and all in different chambers. If you take a look at my picture, I even go to the next level of adding a heater directly to my display without a secondary controller. This heater is tested every water change (2-3 weeks) to have a working built in controller. This method makes the tank uglier and raises my electricity bill a bit each month. However, In the event of a return pump fail, my display, where all my livestock is held is still being heated. A single 250w can easily keep a 100g water safely at 75+ depending on ambient temp.
I don't know how everyone else sleeps, but if a text comes in during the night time. I won't even hear it. On the other hand, if there was a flood going on, the alarm from my Tunze ATO would definitely wake me. Yes, I know there is an extension that allows apex to do this also. My point is most the equipment we have already has the features we need built into it. Dosers have timers, programmability and auto manual controls. Powerheads have wireless controllers/syncing, flow control, and different settings. The list goes on for the equipment we buy with the options we want.
Like I said, I have buyers remorse because to ME it wasn't worth the money. I already have all the equipment that this controller replicates. I bought it solely for the purpose of being able to monitor it wirelessly and I got hit with another $35-100 bill to get it to do what I wanted.
Again, I'm not saying the APEX is bad. It's a great piece of equipment backed by a even better company which is why I'm keeping it. I'd just rather have spent the money on more livestock:lol:
- To anyone who misconstrues this as attacks on each other. We're not, just having a friendly discussion about our opinions. I harbor no ill thoughts towards anyone :love2:
From the scenario you set for the dosing pump, it's seems that it's mainly user error. You were running fluids through your lines and forgot to shut it off and were reminded by your APEX since your PH was out of wack. By taking the time to manually hold the on button for your doser and making sure the lines were full of fluid and shutting it off, that scenario could have been adverted. Instead you chose to run the pump automatically and begin fiddling(hypothetical) with other things before 1 task was complete and forgot about the doser. Another way this could be adverted is having your doser hooked up to a PH controller which would shut off the dosers if the PH raised past a certain level.
For the heater scenario, why would a person trust their tank to 1 heater? My ranco simply turns on and off the temp but I go beyond that. I personally run 3-4 heaters in my tank and all in different chambers. If you take a look at my picture, I even go to the next level of adding a heater directly to my display without a secondary controller. This heater is tested every water change (2-3 weeks) to have a working built in controller. This method makes the tank uglier and raises my electricity bill a bit each month. However, In the event of a return pump fail, my display, where all my livestock is held is still being heated. A single 250w can easily keep a 100g water safely at 75+ depending on ambient temp.
I don't know how everyone else sleeps, but if a text comes in during the night time. I won't even hear it. On the other hand, if there was a flood going on, the alarm from my Tunze ATO would definitely wake me. Yes, I know there is an extension that allows apex to do this also. My point is most the equipment we have already has the features we need built into it. Dosers have timers, programmability and auto manual controls. Powerheads have wireless controllers/syncing, flow control, and different settings. The list goes on for the equipment we buy with the options we want.
Like I said, I have buyers remorse because to ME it wasn't worth the money. I already have all the equipment that this controller replicates. I bought it solely for the purpose of being able to monitor it wirelessly and I got hit with another $35-100 bill to get it to do what I wanted.
Again, I'm not saying the APEX is bad. It's a great piece of equipment backed by a even better company which is why I'm keeping it. I'd just rather have spent the money on more livestock:lol:
- To anyone who misconstrues this as attacks on each other. We're not, just having a friendly discussion about our opinions. I harbor no ill thoughts towards anyone :love2: